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Morgan walked over to the bag, opening it up and looking at the contents inside, a small smile forming on her lips, reaching inside and lifting one of them in her hands,

"Chrysocolla" she said, inspecting it for a moment, placing it down on the table, lifting another stone from the bag "Chrysoprase" doing the same with the first one "Kyanite, Rutilated Quartz, Septarian, Orange Adventurine, Rose Quartz, Selenite, Peridot, Rhodonite, Iolite, Green Adventurine, Turritella Agate, Mangano Calcite, Red Coral, Lava Stone, that's impressive" placing it down on the table "let's see . . " pulling out another stone "Sodalite, Clear Quartz, Adventurine, Red Jasper, Snowflake Obsidian, Citrine, Amazonite, Tigers eye, Black Tourmaline, Carnelian, Hematite, Malachite, Dalmatian Stone, Angelite, Lepidolite, Lapis Lazuli, Serpentine and Black Onyx"

Each stone was the size of her hand, all of them heavy in weight, but it didn't bother her, all of them were beautiful stones and she was impressed with the selection,

"That's 34 stones" she said, looking at them "how did you come across these?"

"Years of digging" Damon said as he walked back down the stairs with a bag in his hands "the things I do for you" placing it down in an empty spot

"You found them?" She asked, surprise laced in her voice

"Wanted it to be your birthday present" he shrugged slightly, "the big - "

"Damon" she smiled softly

"Right" he smirked "you don't like to be reminded of your age" raising his hands slightly "my apologies, Morgan"

She couldn't help but roll her eyes slightly in amusement, shaking her head slightly, reaching for the bag and opening it, her eyes snapping over to Damon, who's smirk grew. Morgan reached inside, pulling out a much larger stone, one that required both hands to hold,

"Black Obsidian" she said softly "such a beautiful sight. It's a strongly protective stone, ya know" looking at Elena "it forms a shield against negativity, blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment" turning to her shelf with the stone in her hand, looking at her shelf "Obsidian . . draws out mental stress and tension, stimulating growth on all levels, urging exploration of the unknown and opening new horizons" moving a few stones out of the way "it brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion, helps you to know who you truly are. Obsidian dissolves emotional blockages and ancient traumas, promising qualities of compassion and strength" placing the stone in an empty spot "but Black Obsidian, however, is a very powerful and creative stone" looking back at Elena "it increases self-control, forces facing up to one's true self, releases imbalances and negative energies. It's protective . . and provides support during change"

"Lovely" Damon said, sarcasm laced in his voice "so . . about that potion?"

". . You're lucky I only need one ingredient" Morgan replied "which happens to be - "

A scream emitted from Elena, Morgan watching as she jumped up and stepped on the stairs,

"Snake!" She exclaimed, pointing to it "there's a snake!"

". . He's still alive?" Damon asked

"Of course" Morgan replied "they're bound to me, remember?"

He paused for a moment, letting out a small hum, Morgan kneeling down and resting the palm of her hand on the floor, letting her snake - Lucius - slither his way over to her. His soft scales ran across the top of her hand as he made his way up her arm, only to wrap around his wrist and nearly lace himself in-between her fingers as she stood straight,

"Sorry about him" Morgan said, a small smile forming on her lips "he happens to be the only ingredient - well, technically his venom"

"Very poisonous" Damon added

"Damon . ." Stefan scolded

"Actually, he's right" Morgan replied, raising her hand slightly "very dangerous. Don't worry though, he'll only bite you if you physically hurt me and that death will be very painful. So, uh, you can either stay here and watch me do my thing, or you can wait upstairs. Take your pick"

A small drop fell into the bowl, Morgan watching as the contents dissolved into a liquid, turning black, Lucius making his way up her arm and curling around her neck, his tongue flicking out as he tasted the air. She looked at the bowl, waving her left hand over the bowl as she reach over to a lit candle, grabbing the flame and quickly throwing it in with the contents, smiling softly as the liquid turned into a very deep blue color. Elena watched in amazement, never seeing anything like it, especially with her friend, a small vial falling off the shelf, but stopping as it was about to hit the floor. It hovered higher, landing in Morgan's outstretched hand, twirling her right index finger, the contents of the bowl following her movement, swirling around like a very tiny tornado, dropping her hand and picking up a small cork as the liquid filled the small container.

As soon as the the vial was full, Morgan quickly put the cork in place. She tossed it in the air, catching it with a smile,

"Here you go" Morgan said, holding it out to Elena between her thumb and index finger "all you gotta do is keep this on you and no supernatural can physically hurt you, only the maker"

"So only you would be able to hurt me?" Elena asked, looking at her suspiciously

"Yeah" she nodded slightly "but I won't, not unless you really piss me off"

She looked at the vial for a moment, reaching out and hesitantly taking the vial,

"Here's how this works . . . " Morgan trailed off "you have to keep it on you at all times or else it's useless, especially to others, that's why I needed a strand of your hair, so it knows to protect only you. If a supernatural comes at you, they will be thrown back, but only if it's on you. Understand?"

". . . Kind of" Elena replies honestly

"Demonstrate please, Stefan?" Morgan asked, looking at the vampire

He looked hesitant for a moment, causing her to raise an eyebrow slightly, a small sigh emitting from his nose, giving Morgan a small nod. Looking at Elena for a moment, Stefan suddenly used his speed, as if he were going to attack Elena, who couldn't help but flinch back slightly. But a shield was around Elena the second Stefan used his speed, the vampire making contact with the shield, his body being thrown back, crashing into a wall with a grunt. A smile formed on Morgan's lips as she began to clean up,

"Few more of those and you'll be back in my good graces" she muttered under her breath, not caring if Stefan heard

She placed the bowl back where it belonged, doing the same with the other items she used,

"Thank you for this" Damon said, causing Morgan to turn to him

"It's not a problem, Day" she replied honestly "really. And if you ever need anything else, you know where to find me"

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