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Welcome to Mystic Falls

Her hands tightened on the steering wheel, driving at a reasonable pace, letting out a slow breath through her lips, trying to calm herself down from the anger she still felt, Roman sleeping in the passenger seat of the car, Lucius curling around her neck. She wasn't scared about what or who she might face, but she was a little nervous, not knowing how Damon would react if he saw her outside of her house and so far away from it. But she knew it needed to be done. If Klaus knew where she was, there was a possible chance he would stop at nothing until she was dead. Then again, Morgan would just keep coming back. As she drove down the street, some people would follow her car with their gaze, not seeing it before, clearly knowing that she was new in town, causing Morgan to shake her head slightly.

She turned to another road, which led through the woods, knowing the way to the Salvatore Boarding House. It took only a few more minutes before she pulled up to the drive way. Inside the Boarding House, Stefan lifted his head slightly, hearing the sound of a car shutting off, causing him to get up from his seat and walk over to the front door. As he opened it, Morgan simply pushed past him, walking inside, Stefan looking at her in confusion. Her breathing was slightly heavy, instantly walking over to the alcohol, ignoring those around her as she grabbed a glass and a decanter, pouring herself some of the contents inside, downing it with no issue. She poured herself some more, placing the decanter back down,

"Morgan?" Damon asked, taking a few steps toward her "Morgan, what happened?"

He received no answer, watching as she turned around, but he sped in front of her, placing his hands on her shoulder,

"What happened?" He repeated

"Katherine!" Morgan replied, looking at him ". . . God" pulling away from him

"What about her?" Stefan asked, concern growing in his voice

"Did she try to do something to you?" Damon asked

"She squealed!" Morgan answered, looking at him "she squealed like a pig! She practically told Klaus that I was the one who made the potion for Elena!" walking to the middle of the living room ". . He found me"

"What!?" Stefan asked

"He found me" she repeated "I was on my way home, he bumped into me, I played along. Hand on my throat, pinned me against the wall and tried to threaten me. But I got away, obviously" gesturing to herself "but Katherine . . ." shaking her head slightly "she always has to get in the middle of everything, she always has to ruin everything, she has to snitch on everyone just so she can get what she wants!"

Morgan didn't know her grip on the glass was too tight until it was too late, the glass shattering in her hand, closing her eyes as she felt a sting, knowing a share had pierced her skin, causing her to clench her hand into a fist. There was a blonde girl in the room, who couldn't help but slowly breathe in the sweet scent of blood, a small sound of approval emitting from her as veins began to form under her eyes,

"Caroline?" Elena asked, gaining the attention of Damon

"Blondie . ." Damon trailed off "you better think about - "

Caroline sped over to Morgan, only to stop short when a hand wrapped around her neck, Elena's eyes widening when she looked at her. Morgan was the one who caught her by the neck, with her uninjured hand, slamming her against the nearest wall, her eyes hard as Caroline growled and fought against her hold.

"Retract your fangs" Morgan ordered "do it, now"

She still fought against her hold, wanting a taste of her blood, needing to see if it was as good as it smelled. Morgan's gaze snapped over to the Bennett witch, her head tilting slightly,

"I feel the push" Morgan said "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Bonnie" looking back at Caroline "retract your fangs, Caroline . . . please. Don't make me regret what I will do next"

Slowly, caroling began to calm down, Morgan watching as her the veins receded from under her eyes, her breathing heavy,

"Oh, God" Caroline said "oh, God, I am so, so sorry"

Morgan gave her a small nod, releasing her hold from her neck, seeing the look of regret in her eyes,

"You are forgiven" Morgan said honestly "but please, do not do that again"

Caroline quickly nodded her head, walking around her and making her way back to Elena, who looked her friend over, making sure she was okay, but Morgan didn't harm her. If she continued to fight against her hold, then Morgan wouldn't have a choice but to snap her neck in order for her to stop. A small sigh emitted from her nose, looking down at her hand, Damon speeding in front of her, gently grasping her hand to look it over, unfazed by the alluring scent of her blood.

"There's glass inside" Morgan informed "the wound is trying to heal around it"

"Come on" Damon said softly

He threw an arm over her shoulder, leading her in the direction of the kitchen, sitting her down on one of the chairs. He used his speed, heading out of the kitchen, but coming back just as quick, a first aid kit in his hands, setting it down on the table as he pulled out one of the other chairs, sitting in front of her. No one would expect Damon to ever care about anyone but himself, so if they saw him tending to someone else's wound without the use of his blood. He grabbed a pair of tweezers, reaching for her hand and gently holding it in his, looking at her for a moment, Morgan letting out a small sigh, giving him a single nod. A small sigh emitted from his nose, looking down at her hand, Morgan closing her eyes as the tweezers entered her skin.

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