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Morgan shook her head slightly, stirring her coffee, a small sigh emitting from her nose as she leaned back against her counter. She didn't know how he found her or how he knew a witch made the potion for Elena, but she knew she needed to keep her guard up. As soon as she got home, she put a barrier around the house, allowing only humans to enter, but she knew even that was a big risk. Any vampire could easily compel a human that wasn't on vervain, and there was a chance he would take that opportunity. But then again, there was no reason for him to send a human in to try to kill her, even if she did help Damon, Stefan and Elena, and Morgan could easily send the human away without an issue. Another small sigh emitted from her nose, taking a sip of the hot liquid, closing her eyes as it ran down her throat.

The sound of the doorbell ringing filled the air, causing Morgan to lower her mug and let her head fall back, her eyebrows furrowing slightly in annoyance as a light groan emitted from her. She set her mug down on the counter, pushing herself off and making her way over to the front door, bending down, gently scooping up Lucius, letting him curl around her neck. Opening the front door, she let out a low breath as if to calm herself down, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked at the curly haired brunette who smirked back at her,

"Hello, Morgan" Katherine greeted

"What do you want?" Morgan asked, looking at her

"Ouch" she smirked, tilting her head slightly "is that any way to greet an old friend?"

"Wherever you go . ." She trailed off "trouble always seems to follow you. So answer my question. What do you want?"

". . I wanted to check on you" she sighed, causing light scoff to emit from Morgan

"That's what I don't get" Morgan replied "why the hell would you want to . . ."

Morgan looked at Katherine, who could practically see the wheels turning in her head, watching her hands fall to her sides, slowly clenching into fists,

"You told him it was me" she said "didn't you?"

"Now, Morgan . ." She replied "I only told him I knew someone who - "

She was cut off my a hand snapping to her throat, Morgan bringing her inside, the door shutting on its own with a loud bang, Katherine being slammed back against it, a grunt emitting from her.

"You told him!" Morgan shouted "he found me! He put me in the same position you're in!"

"How did you get away?" Katherine asked, slight fear forming in her eyes

"We haven't seen each other in over a hundred years, Katherine" she replied with a smile, her tone lighter "I've picked up quite a few tricks" easing her hold on her neck "now tell me . . what's his name?"

". . His name is Niklaus Mikaelson" she said, her face falling blank as her pupils dilating slightly

"What is he?" her jaw clenching slightly

"Hybrid" she answered "vampire and werewolf"

"What does he aim to do?" closing her eyes

"Keep Elena alive" she said, causing Morgan to open her eyes "to make more hybrids"

Morgan released her hold on her, a small gasp emitting from Katherine, gently placing a hand to her neck, looking at the witch that stood in front of her,

"Stake to the heart isn't the only thing that can kill a vampire" Morgan said "you're lucky I don't let Lucius bite you"

She turned around and walked back over to the kitchen, shaking her head slightly, rage beginning to fill her,

"As you can see, Katherine . ." Morgan said "I'm fine. So you can leave now"

Morgan waited for a moment, closing her eyes as she heard the front door open, closing seconds later, a small sigh emitting from her nose, lowering her head as she gripped the countertop. She rested her elbows on the counter, running a hand through her hair, the sound of a small meow filling her ears as a black cat hopped on the counter, making its way over to her. The cat meowed again, causing Morgan to look up slightly, a small smile forming on her lips when he sat down,

"Looks like we might need to leave" she said softly "it's a shame, really. We've been here for three years and I was starting to get used to this house" looking around the kitchen "Klaus Mikaelson . . he'll be after me. I need to hide in plain sight. He won't expect to find me in Mystic Falls"

The cat - Roman - let out another meow as he looked at her,

"I know it's a risk" she sighed "it's a huge risk, but what choice do we have? If we stay here forever, then he'll kill Damon, and Stefan, and Elena, and anyone else who stands in his way. At least with me there, I can help if someone is injured. And I'll also be able to keep an eye on Shelia's grandchild, help her, guide her, teach her"

Any normal person would think she was crazy if they saw her talking to a cat, but it was a good thing they were alone. Morgan could easily understand Roman, the two animals having been alive almost for as long as she has, given to her by the spirits during her dark time. At first, she didn't know what to make of them, but let them stay with her because she learned not to question the will of the spirits, she also let Lucius inject a very small dosage of his venom into her veins every day, and it not only built up a tolerance, her blood became the cure. But there was also a disadvantage. Morgan shook her head slightly, running a hand through her hair and letting out a other sigh through her nose, pushing off the counter and walking out of the kitchen, her boots thumping on the hardwood flooring as she walked upstairs, ready to pack her bags.

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