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Thanks to Elijah, Morgan wasn't completely bored out of her mind, he provided plenty of books for her to read and even liberated a sketchbook from his brother's art room so she could draw. But whenever she did draw, there would always be one thing on her mind, a necklace. One that belonged to her grandmother, Irina Reign, and was supposed to be passed down to Morgan when she came into her power, but it was stolen from the family of Reign, never to be seen again. The image of the necklace never left her memory, but she was never able to remember how it was stolen, or how her grandmother was died. A small sigh emitted from her nose as she leaned back against the headboard of the bed, setting the book to the side as she threw the comforter off of her lap, scooting to the edge of the bed and sliding off.

She walked over to the bathroom, shutting the door just as the bedroom door opened, Elijah walking in to check on her. Hearing the slight hum of the bathroom light told him she was doing her business, walking further into the room with a tray in his hands, one that contained her dinner, setting it on the nightstand. Turning toward the bed, his eyes caught the sketchbook that poked out from under the comforter, his curiosity urging him to grab it. Elijah's eyebrows furrowed slightly when he saw the sketch, a necklace he had seen before, a long time ago, but he was sure it still existed, wondering why Morgan would have a drawing of it. His gaze suddenly lifted from the drawing as a thought popped in his mind.

It calls to her.

The necklace was created by a Reign witch, one who had been dead for a long time, made to protect the wearer. But Elijah didn't know how,

Could Morgan be a descent of the Reign Witches?

"It was my grandmother's necklace" Morgan said

Elijah turned his head, seeing her standing at his left, not even hearing her come out of the bathroom. Their height was different, he stood at five foot eleven while Morgan stood at five foot six, so she had to slightly look up at him, not that she minded.

"It was taken from her" she informed "and to this day, I still can't remember how she died" looking at him

"I'm sorry" he said sincerely

"Don't be" shaking her head slightly "it was a long time ago"

He looked at her for a moment, giving her a small nod, moving out of the way and letting her climb back in the bed, placing the sketchbook down and setting the comforter back on her lap.

"So . . " Morgan trailed off, looking at him "when can I be relieved of bed rest?" earning a small chuckle from him

"You can get up tomorrow if you're able" he replied "I just wanted to make sure you were recovered enough to walk around for longer periods of time on your own"

"My recovery has been quick" she smiled softly "especially with the proper nutrition"

"It's the least I could do" lifting the tray off the nightstand, gently placing it on her lap "especially after what you've done for me . . and what I have done to you" a small sigh emitting from her nose

"I knew the risk" she said softly "it's rare that Lucius bites someone, and I can't exactly keep vials of my blood in order to give others the cure if they need it because it needs to come straight from the vein. If not, then they die a very slow and painful death" Elijah removing the cover from the plate "but, if you're around my blood long enough, you become used to it"

"If I am being honest, I don't believe I will ever be used to it" he confessed, sitting down next to her legs

"You will" she replied "now that you've had a taste, you'll show more restraint. You'll know not to take too much"

Morgan got dressed in another one of Elijah's shirts, one he had been providing and a pair of black sweats, tying the drawstring so they wouldn't fall off. She had loved the feeling of the water pressure on her back, the warm water washing everything away, running a hand through her hair as she walked out of the bedroom. Folding her arms over her stomach, she looked around for a moment, turning and walking down the hall, her eyes gazing at the marvelous paintings that littered the walls. She walked down the stairs, looking around the living area, the whole house being much bigger than the Boarding House, but beautiful in its own way. Morgan found the kitchen, a small sigh emitting from her nose, looking through the cabinets to see what they had, her hand grasping one of the jars, containing the key ingredients to make her tea.

Since she had been there, Morgan had been having her nightmares, and whenever she drank her tea before bed, the nightmares wouldn't show, which she was thankful for. She didn't make noises when they happened, but Elijah was there to comfort her because he would wake up to the sound of her thundering heartbeat, hammering against her chest, which would cause him to wake her before the nightmare caused a surge in her power. The only downside to the nightmares, she could never remember them, always waking with a start or when Elijah woke her. Morgan was thankful he did, but she would rather have a night without them. Another low sigh emitted from her nose, setting the jar on the counter and looking through the cabinets once more, finding the things she needed and setting them down on the counter.

Crouching down, she opened one of the lower cabinets, pulling out a manual stone grinder, setting it on the counter as the faucet turned on, Morgan walking toward it with a kettle and filling it up with cold water. She placed the kettle on the burner, turning it on and beginning to place the ingredients in the stone bowl,

"Well, well" male voice spoke up "what do we have here?"

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