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". . Got it" Damon said

He pulled the shard of glass from her hand, watching as it quickly healed as soon as he did, allowing him to wipe the excess blood away from her skin, releasing her hand and cleaning up. Morgan stood from the chair, shaking her hand slightly as a small sigh emitting from her nose,

"Why did you come here?" Damon asked, looking at her

"This is the last place where he expects me to be" Morgan replied "if he does find me, I'll get away like I did last time. I'll be okay"

Damon couldn't help the small sigh that emitted from his nose, knowing there was no point in arguing with her, causing him to give her a small nod. He led her out of the kitchen, back over to the living room,

"I would like to apologise for my behavior" Morgan said, gaining the attention of the others "it was unacceptable. I let my anger get the best of me"

"It's fine, Morgan" Stefan assured

"Yeah, totally okay" Caroline added

"So, Klaus found you?" Elena asked

"Yes" Morgan replied "Katherine told him she knew of someone who specialized in protective potions, charms and spells. A lot of us dabble in everything, some of us specialize in a small handful of things . . . But only one of us specializes in everything"

She looked to the floor where she had broken the glass, moving her fingers slightly, a small smile forming on her lips as the shards rose in the air, the cup repairing itself, even the small shard that was in her hand came out of the kitchen. It hovered over to her, Morgan catching it as it began to fall, her smile growing when she saw no crack, handing it over to Damon, who smirked slightly, taking the glass from her hand and walking over to the alcohol,

"That's abusing the power" Bonnie accused, pointing to Morgan

"Not for me, Bonnie" Morgan replied, giving Damon a small smile as he handed the glass back to her, filled with bourbon ". . . I've been alive for a long time. A natural witch"

"What does that mean?" Elena asked curiously

"Bonnie's power was passed down through generations upon generations" she explained "but with me, it started with my grandmother, passed down to my mother, passed down to me . . ended with me. It doesn't happen with other witches, but a power of my own ended up manifesting and it only grew. I do use the power of the spirits, but only when I need to"

"So . . " Bonnie trailed off "how old are you?" causing a smile to form on Morgan's lips

". . . I knew your grandmother when she was your age" she said softly, taking a drink of her bourbon "so . . Doppelgänger" pointing to Elena "baby vampire" pointing to Caroline "two other vampires" pointing to the two "a witch" pointing to Bonnie "a human" pointing to a teenage boy "and the hunter" pointing to a man who stood off to the side, dropping her hand

"How do you know?" Caroline asked

"Like I said . ." She trailed off "a manifested power of my own. Even I don't understand it at times. Oh! By the way, do any of you know if there are houses on the market?"

"You're staying here" Damon spoke up "we have plenty of room"

Morgan looked at him, giving him a grateful smile,

"My stuff is in my car" she informed

"I'll get that unpacked" he smiled softly

"You don't have to" she dismissed "really, I - "

"Sit your pretty self down" he said

He placed his hands on her shoulders, moving her to one of the chairs, sitting her down, Morgan looking up at him. She knew for a fact that he acted more of a dick in front of everyone else, which was a total Damon thing. For as long as she knew him, the only time he didn't act that way was around her, even if he was around other people, he didn't seem to care. He ignored the looks the others had given him as he walked out of the Boarding House,

". . . You gotta teach me that spell" Bonnie said, watching as Damon walked in with four of Morgan's bags

"There is no spell" Stefan replied, a smirk forming on his lips "the only time Damon isn't a dick is when Morgan is around"

"Don't know why" Morgan added, taking another sip of her bourbon

Damon walked up the stairs with her bags, not saying anything about the looks he received, a low sigh emitting from her nose as she leaned back in the armchair. Stefan looked at her, his eyebrows furrowing slightly,

"When's the last time you slept?" He asked, seeing the dark circles under her eyes

"Uh . . ." Morgan trailed off, letting out a small huff of air through her lips "twenty . . . six hours"

"Why?" Damon asked as he walked down the stairs

"I was packing my stuff" she answered, shrugging slightly "I wanted to get here as soon as I could, without delay. Besides, I've gone a lot longer that just twenty-six hours"

Elena, Caroline, Bonnie and Jeremy had left the boarding house, letting Morgan settle in, still in shock that Damon brought out everything from her car and put it in one of the spare rooms. The room itself didn't have much, but it did have a bed, dresser, wardrobe and closet, Damon bringing in one of the shelves for all of her books,

"You can set up your other stuff in the basement" he informed "there's more than enough room down there for all your witchy things"

"Thank you, Damon" Morgan said sincerely "for letting me stay here"

"You know it's no big deal, Morgan" he replied, jumping on her bed and sitting down "it's your home too"

A small smile formed on her lips as he laid back on the bed, resting his hands behind his head, allowing Morgan to place her leggings in one of the drawers, lounge shirts in another, underclothes in the top drawer. She had hung up her jeans and other tops in the wardrobe, placing her shoes on the bottom three shelves, decorating the room with the items she had brought, making it feel like her old room. Morgan may have been used to change, but it didn't mean she needed to like it. But she always got through it.

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