Chapter 18

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Jade was hard to impress.

It had taken Jack almost three weeks to finally get Jade's number and another three weeks to finally get her to flirt back. Jade liked Jack the whole time but she enjoyed the attention and the extravagant romantic gestures that were all for her.

With Nigel however it was different. He didn't need to do anything out of the ordinary to make Jade fall for him. Nigel didn't even need to try, he was just himself and that was enough for Jade to move mountains for him.

It was the morning after the night at the beach. Jade was in pure bliss. She couldn't keep the wide smile off her face and her hands off Nigel. When Jade and Nigel finally left the beach it was too late to drive back to campus so Nigel had booked them a hotel room. Small things like sharing the same bed with Nigel brought butterflies to Jade's stomach.

They cuddled the whole night and despite a year gap in their relationship it seemed like nothing had changed.

"Good morning," Nigel whispered into Jade's ear making her smile.

"Hey," Jade replied with her voice slightly raspy.

She turned to face Nigel admiring him in the harsh morning light. He was the epitome of perfection to Jade with the brownest eyes, long and straight eyelashes that made Jade jealous, the perfect nose and full lips.

"You're perfect," Jade blurted making Nigel smile in amusement.

"Perfect is so overrated," Nigel replied making Jade chuckle.

She interlaced their hands and just laid there wondering if she could ever leave him. Then again, technically Amanda had stolen Nigel from her. He was always hers, so did taking something that was originally hers still stealing? Jade didn't know.

Nigel leaned over to take his phone. From the disappointed look on Nigel's face Jade knew it was time to go, to leave their happy little bubble and go back to the real world of school and Amanda. She secretly wished they could stay for longer but she had a class and so did Nigel.

"We have to get going soon," Nigel announced and Jade nodded somberly.

Nigel noticed her dismayed expression before saying something to cheer her up, "Morning ritual?"

Their morning ritual consisted of them brushing their teeth, washing their faces, dancing to whatever music would be blasting from Nigel's phone and kissing, a lot of kissing. Jade pecked his lips in response.

"Turn on the music," Jade said making Nigel grin.


The drive to campus was bittersweet. Neither Jade nor Nigel wanted to let go. Nigel who usually sped was driving slowly to prolong the journey. It worked; they were together in their bubble for a bit longer. And then they were in front of Jade's room.

"I'll see you tonight?" Jade asked, desperation leaking into her tone.

She didn't know what to call the inkling feeling she had, like if she let go of Nigel now, she wouldn't see him again. Jade didn't know what to call it; intuition or an early premonition?

"Yeah, we can Netflix and chill," Nigel said with a wink making Jade smile but the nagging feeling remained.

Nigel kissed her forehead, an action that usually made Jade melt but now it sickened her. It felt like goodbye.

"I love you," Jade blurted without thinking.

Nigel stopped in his tracks and smiled at Jade. He looked surprised which made Jade smile.

"I love you too," Nigel replied before walking away.

Jade didn't stop him despite her wanting to scream for him to stop and stay with her. Instead she got into her room and prepared for her class. After class Jade headed to Celia's apartment and for the first time in a long time all her friends were present. Lately it seemed like everyone was too busy and Jade realized how much she missed having the girls together like this. As usual they were in the living room with the TV on but no one giving it any attention.

"You and Nigel?" Lara began making Jade blush.

Jade knew Lara wanted to hear everything about the beach, every single detail but she wasn't going to say everything. She wanted to keep some of the memories to herself, for herself. Jade narrated her night; quickly leaving Lara crying for more details but Jade was immovable.

"At least tell us it was good," Lara whined making her friends laugh.

"It was amazing, it's Nigel we're talking about," Jade replied matter-of-factly.

"It wasn't a dangerous 9 out of 10?" Nevaeh teased making Jade laugh while shaking her head.

"It was a ten out of ten good," Jade raved and her friends awwed in response.

"So that means you guys are serious now?" Celia asked and Jade frowned.

"Not really," Jade replied even though deep down she thought they were becoming serious.

"Dude the guy practically proposed to you, how can you say you're not really serious?" Lara questioned and Jade shoved a slice of pizza into her mouth to avoid answering the question.

Nevaeh of course came to Jade's rescue.

"Last time I checked the guy was practically dating Amanda," Nevaeh said making Jade shoot her a grateful smile.

Lara frowned. "You're still going ahead with that whole heartbreak thing?" Lara questioned and Jade nodded bracing herself for the lecture ahead. "You're not serious Jade."

"I am," Jade said confidently but her heart sank at the thought of hurting Nigel even though he was hurting her too.

"You can't do that to him. It's going to break him," Lara pleaded and Jade shrugged carelessly even though she was pushing back a wave of tears.

"I don't care," Jade lied and Lara scoffed.

"Don't you think your little game has gone far enough already?" Lara almost yelled but Jade remained stoic.

"Why do you care so much about Nigel?" Jade snapped a while later.

"I couldn't give two shits about Nigel," Lara shouted and Jade knew she had triggered something. "I care about you and I don't want to be the one to pick up the pieces after Nigel breaks your heart again."

Jade was outraged that Lara didn't believe she could pull off her revenge. She was right but Jade didn't care. Her emotions ruled her in that moment.

"I never asked you to pick up the pieces," Jade replied calmly but there was nothing calm about her.

She was tense and an uncontrollable fire raged in her eyes. A deadly silence descended over the room. Jade knew she should take back what she had said but she couldn't. Her pride didn't allow her.

It was unfair of Jade to say that. When Nigel left, Lara had been nothing but there even going as far as cleaning Jade's vomit after Jade had gotten so wasted. Lara had been the sister Jade needed when all guys left. Jade's heart broke as she watched Lara shake her head in disapproval, betrayal marring her features.

Jade wanted to reach out and apologize but the words remained stuck in her throat. She couldn't even look at her friends, they were disappointed. Even Jade was disappointed in herself. It wasn't like her to be absolutely heartless then again she set up Nigel to fall in love with her so she could break his heart. It hurt but it was true, Jade was no saint.

The silence was broken by Jade's phone buzzing indicating a message from Nigel. He was downstairs waiting for her.

"I have to go," Jade said to no one in particular.

"When he breaks your heart, don't come to me. I am done being there for you Jade. I am really done," Lara spat and Jade didn't reply.

She stumbled outholding back a wave of tears. Jade felt like sinking into a hole, never in herlife had she ever felt ashamed in front of her friends till now. Walking out tomeet Nigel Jade finally understood why revenge was like drinking poison; shewas hurting herself over and over again.    

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