Chapter 1

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Jade's arch nemesis was exercise.

She hated self-imposed sweating and panting while her muscles burned with a passion which is why since her freshmen orientation Jade had never stepped foot anywhere near the gym. Despite her fierce hate of any exercise related activity Jade looked fit. She had the body of an athlete; tall and skinny with minimum curves and a proportional butt and boobs which was what further stimulated her NO EXERCISE campaign.

Currently Jade was faced with a dilemma.

It was Friday movie night, a tradition that Jade and her friends had started back when they were freshmen and it was always hosted at Celia's apartment. Celia's apartment was on the third floor which never bothered Jade because she always used the elevator but now on the elevator was a big poster written in messy block letters 'OUT OF ORDER'.

Jade was stuck. Missing Friday movie night was unheard of and yet if she was going to be there she needed to take the stairs not just any stairs though, stairs that took her three floors up. It was absolute torture!

Jade contemplated going back home and making up an excuse. She couldn't stomach the thought of trudging three floors up sweating with her calves burning while she gasped for air because her body wasn't programmed for any form of exercise worse she had a pizza box in her hand. There was no way she was going to be able to make that climb. Celia and Nevaeh would be disappointed but it would be just one night right Jade reasoned with herself.

Jade took a deep breath and nodded to herself with an air of finality. She was going to go back to her dorm and do something different. I mean she was breaking a tradition but, in her defense, it was just a one-time thing. So, she spun on her heel ready to head out when her phone buzzed as if one cue.

It was Nevaeh, one of her best friends. Jade almost grimaced.

"What?" Jade said into the phone not bothering with the pleasantries.

"The elevator is out of order," Nevaeh replied holding back a snicker.

"I noticed," Jade replied with a guarded tone.

She knew Nevaeh was baiting her, getting ready to mock her with Lara and Celia but she wouldn't give anything away. Not this time.

"So, are you coming or it's too much work?" Nevaeh taunted and Jade held back a scream.

It was too much work! But she couldn't tell Nevaeh that.

"It's just a flight of stairs, I'll live," Jade countered which earned her a bark of laughter from Nevaeh.

"See you soon. By the way I hope you haven't forgotten the pizza. Celia's 'we can't order pizza' rule is still a thing," Nevaeh said and Jade hummed a response.

After hanging up Jade realized Nevaeh had made it a challenge. It was impossible for her not to attend FMN now. Jade released a loud sigh before she began the long walk to Celia's apartment hoping with everything in her that she would make it to the other side alive.


Contrary to what Jade had assumed, she made it to Celia's door alive and surprisingly she hadn't broken a sweat but her calves were burning beneath her jeans. All she wanted was to slump herself on Celia's couch and take a nap for an hour or two or the whole night.

Her friends however were not thinking along those lines.

"Pizza's here!" Nevaeh screamed as soon as she spotted Jade walking through the door.

She swayed her curves toward Jade and took the pizza box from Jade with a big grin.

"I am shocked you are alive," Nevaeh commented hiding a huge grin and Jade rolled her eyes with a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

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