Chapter 3

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There was something beautiful about the beach at night. The only sound that could be heard was the crashing waves of the ocean. Everyone had already gone home which meant that it was only Jade and Nevaeh strolling across the beach with their 'goods' in their hands.

"This is beautiful," Jade whispered into the night air.

"It is," Nevaeh agreed.

A cool breeze blew by and Nevaeh seemed to shiver.

"Are you cold?" Jade asked and Nevaeh shook her head. "No, you just shivered. You're cold which means that I need to warm you up. I would be a terrible friend if I let you freeze to death."

Jade's eyes twinkled as she spoke and Nevaeh looked at her unsurely. Jade dropped the goods on the sand. She slowly picked up at a fistful of sand and threw it all over Nevaeh.

"You little br-" Nevaeh stopped when she saw Jade laughing. She threw the beer case onto the ground and began chasing after Jade.

Jade sprinted away and Nevaeh picked up fistfuls of sand and threw them at Jade.

"Catch me if you can," Jade teased in between laughs and Nevaeh seemed to sprint faster.

They threw sand at each other back and forth until Nevaeh tackled Jade to the ground and almost buried her underneath the sand.

"That will teach you not to mess with the big girls," Nevaeh said dusting her clothes while Jade laughed.

"Fine, you win, this time," she agreed and Nevaeh grinned before grabbing their beers.

She opened one with her teeth and handed it to Jade before opening hers. They sat side by side and drank in silence.

"Do you think Cameron will be pissed?" Jade asked referring to Nevaeh's boyfriend.

Nevaeh seemed to think about it while taking another sip of her beer. "He will be, but he'll get over it."

Jade grinned. That was a typical Nevaeh like response. Nevaeh was childlike, she never cared about the consequences. She did what she wanted when she wanted. "Thank you for this again."

Nevaeh shoved Jade's leg with her own and smiled. They watched the sky together and Jade started counting the stars loudly.

"Have you ever noticed that it seems like the stars multiply when you count them?" Nevaeh asked glancing at Jade before looking up to the sky too.

Jade stopped counting and nodded. "It's like they appear out of nowhere."

The moon was bright; the only source of light apart from the infinite stars and Jade fixed her gaze on the moon.

"What do you feel when you see the moon?" she asked Nevaeh.

Nevaeh shrugged.

Jade smiled. "I feel infinite like I'm part of something bigger and greater than all of us. Looking at the sky, I truly feel alive."

Nevaeh downed the rest of her beer in one go. "That sounded so cheesy."

Jade shoved her and they laughed. Simultaneously they fell on their backs and continued laughing at nothing in particular.

"In some parallel universe, there's a Jade and a Nevaeh out there, thinking the same thing," Nevaeh whispered and Jade nodded.

"You get it, now right? Somewhere out there, right now, are people we are connected to by virtue of looking at the same great expanse," Jade said and Nevaeh nodded.

They continued staring at the sky quietly until Neveah broke the silence.

"I've never liked Jack," Nevaeh said and Jade whipped her head to face Nevaeh.

"Why?" Jade questioned, her tone held curiosity and surprise.

"He was a hippie," she replied and Jade laughed.

"He wasn't a hippie. He just wasn't in college," Jade defended him with a sad smile.

"Whatever you say," Nevaeh said.

"It hurts to think about him," Jade whispered and Nevaeh reached for her hand and squeezed it.

"I'll keep saying that jerk's name until it doesn't hurt anymore," Nevaeh said and Jade cracked a grin.

"You know what let's dance away my sadness," Jade suggested and she took out her phone.

She played a popular song before getting up. With a laugh she dragged Nevaeh up and they started dancing while taking huge gulps of their beer. The more they drank, the lighter the felt and the drunker they became. Their dancing became a wide flailing of arms but unfortunately there was no voice of reason to stop them from drinking. They kept drinking until they were on the verge of passing out.

"I'm wasted," Nevaeh slurred and Jade laughed but it sounded like a bark.

"I'm sleepy," Jade groaned as she stumbled on to the sand.

They fell onto the ground and leaned their heads on each other's shoulders.

"We should probably head to the car," Jade whispered and Nevaeh nodded slowly.

They did not make it to the car because minutes later, they were asleep.

of all the scenarios Jade expected to wake up to, she did not expect to see a figure looming over her. Jade almost screamed before she noticed who it was.


Thank you for reading! 

Question of the day: What's your favorite movie? 

I'm stuck between Someone Great and To all the boys I've loved before. 

Don't forget to comment, vote and share :) 

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