Chapter 10

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"So where are we going?" Nigel asked Jade who smiled but didn't reply.

Her eyes remained trained on the road as she maneuvered through the traffic bobbing her head to the music playing in the background.

"Come on baby," Nigel begged making Jade stiffen slightly before she forced herself to relax.

It wasn't a date; they were just 'hanging out'; there was no need to act weird Jade told herself hoping she could ease her nerves.

She glanced at him before grinning. "There's this amazing place called Donnie's that sells the most amazing burgers," Jade began and Nigel playfully rolled his eyes.

"You know I don't get my burgers from anyone but Marcy's," Nigel argued and Jade laughed.

"I know that but change is good. Just try them and I promise you will love them," Jade said and Nigel shook his head no.

"No I won't. Unlike you I'm loyal to Marcy," Nigel joked and Jade shoved him playfully.

Memories of the first time they had visited Marcy's filled Jade's mind making her tighten her hands on the steering wheel. Marcy's had just opened and Nigel wanted to try something that didn't taste like the garbage from the cafeteria. Jade remembered walking in hand in hand with Nigel and they had met the owner who had given them burgers on the house because they were so adorable.

Everything was so easy then. They were in love and they weren't afraid to show it. Then there were no games, it was just two people crazy in love.

Jade then took in a sharp intake of breath. Why the hell was she here pretending she was 'just hanging' with Nigel?

"Just try the burgers," Jade responded with a chuckle and Nigel smiled staring at Jade with what looked like adoration in his eyes.

Jade hated to think it was adoration. He had Amanda and they were just friends.

"How did you find Donnie's anyway?" Nigel asked and Jade glanced at him.

"Lara and I found it during exam time last semester. We were so tired of studying and we just drove around till we stumbled on it," Jade replied and Nigel nodded.

"It's not even original though. It's called Donnie's? It's like they copied it from Marcy's," Nigel grumbled and Jade mockingly glared at Nigel.

"Okay maybe the name thing was weird but the restaurants look really different," Jade defended the restaurant and Nigel laughed. "It's hip and modern."

Before Nigel could reply Jade parked the car in the parking lot before turning to look at Nigel.

"We're here," she said and Nigel nodded with a small smile.

"Let's go betray Marcy," Nigel stated feigning seriousness and Jade laughed.

Even though Nigel had suggested they get out of the car, neither of them tried to move. Jade could feel Nigel's burning gaze on her and she forced herself to look at him. His brown eyes enticed her seeming to darken the more she looked at them. She could feel herself falling into the trap of his eyes, drawn like a moth to a flame by the intensity of his gaze.

Jade's eyes glanced down at his pink full lips and she almost gasped. Tension in the car was now at an all time high. The air was practically cackling with chemistry and Jade's heart was thudding loudly threatening to break out of her chest.

Nigel's fingers delicately traced her jaw and Jade's breath hitched. She closed her eyes and opened them before holding Nigel's hand removing it from her face shaking her head slightly.

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