Chapter 14

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Jade was currently at Celia's apartment with Lara and Celia. After Eli had provided background information on Amanda, it gave Jade enough information to consider stalking her on Instagram just so that she knew what she was dealing with.

Lara, the master stalker, had helped Jade find Amanda's account in under ten minutes. At first glance, Amanda looked like a goddess but after careful scrutinizing Jade realized she was just normal pretty. At the realization Jade felt happy. The happiness was diluted by the realization that followed, Jade knew she was shallow for thinking that.

"She volunteers at an animal shelter," Jade yelled so that Celia could hear her from the kitchen.

Jade couldn't keep the bitterness from her voice.

"It's not all that, I used to volunteer at an animal shelter and I hated animals," Lara said to comfort Jade but Jade didn't crack a smile.

Instead she continued scrolling down the posts finding out more about Amanda.

"Did you know that Amanda plants trees?" Jade announced and Lara groaned. "That she cares about the environment and global warming."

"And I don't care about Amanda fun facts," Lara muttered making Jade turn off her phone.

Despite knowing she was prettier than Amanda, she felt melancholy. Even the thought of hurting Nigel didn't seem as glam as it did; not when Amanda was a real person. After scrolling through 44 of her posts, Jade felt like she knew Amanda on a personal level. She was a sweet girl, a sweet and pretty girl.

"I hate myself," Jade announced and Lara sighed.

Lara felt sorry for Jade. She had never seen anything weigh Jade down but somehow Nigel seemed to do it effortlessly.

"Enough self pity, we're going out," Lara said with so much determination it made Jade smile.

"Out?" Celia asked peeking from the kitchen and Lara nodded.

"Yes out! We're going to Midnight Sun," Lara continued getting up and pulling Jade up with her.

Lara started dancing and Jade chuckled. They both swayed to a nonexistent beat while laughing.

"We're going to dress up, look amazing and we're going to dance till you forget about Nigel and Amanda," Lara promised and Jade grinned.

"Let's do it!"


When Jade and her girls arrived at Midnight Sun, they were slightly drunk. After downing shots while getting ready, the alcohol was kicking in. Loud music blasted through the speakers making the ground vibrate with each beat.

"I'm going to get us some drinks," Celia said over the music to Jade and Lara.

Celia didn't wait for them to reply as she swayed over to the bar. Jade and Lara joined in the dancing. Lara held onto Jade's waist and Jade's hands rested on Lara's shoulders. They were not exceptional dancers but together, everyone was drawn to them.

Celia didn't come back from the bar and the girls knew she had probably ditched them but they didn't mind. A couple of guys tried to cut in but Jade and Lara would flip them off. One guy had even gone as far as telling them to kiss already which made them burst into laughter.

Lara then started twerking for Jade which made the guy crack a smile before walking away. It seemed everyone wanted to buy them drinks and they didn't refuse. Who refused free drinks?

Lara had gone off to the bar, again and Jade felt a hand around her waist. If she wasn't drunk, she would've jumped but alas she was drunk so she turned and flashed the owner of the hand a flirtatious smile.

"Want a drink?" the guy said holding out a shot of vodka and Jade shook her head with a laugh.

"How do I know it's not poisoned?" she countered making the guy laugh.

The guy took a sip and Jade smiled.

"That doesn't prove anything," Jade said and the guy shrugged.

"Well I tried," Peter said and Jade laughed.

"Normal guys would ask to buy me a drink," Jade said placing her hands around Peter's neck.

He blushed and Jade smirked.

"Who said I'm normal?" Peter countered and Jade laughed shaking her head in amusement.

"Touché," Jade whispered staring into Peter's eyes.

Despite the upbeat song that was playing Jade and Peter were swaying side to side staring into each other's eyes. Everyone seemed to have been blurred leaving only Peter in Jade's clear view.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Peter asked and Jade shook her head in amusement.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're in love with my boyfriend," Jade said making Peter laugh.

"I'm not. I was just checking so that I could do this-" Peter used his fingers to tuck away the strands hair that were obscuring Jade's face.

His fingers lightly made contact with Jade's face making Jade's breath hitch. The contact cackled like static electricity. Suddenly Jade was looking at Peter differently. She wasn't looking at him like the freshman she had met with her friends, she was looking at him like she wanted him, like she needed him.

So she kissed him and he kissed her back. She wanted him, all of him. Jade didn't care about everyone else around them. All she cared about was the way he made her feel. Jade felt alive as she tugged onto his hair and he grunted making Jade smirk. She loved the way she forgot Nigel, she loved the exhilarating feeling of being free.

"Let's get out here," Peter suggested huskily and Jade nodded.

Peter held onto her waist and led her outside.

"Gosh I'm so wasted," Jade stuttered while stumbling which made Peter laugh but catch her.

"I'm going to carry you now," Peter said before lifting her effortlessly over his shoulder.

Jade giggled and tried not to vomit.

"Don't touch my butt," Jade warned making Peter laugh.

"Can I look at it?" he asked and Jade pinched his butt. "I guess that's a no then?"

"Just take me home you weirdo," Jade muttered before closing her eyes.

Peter tried to ask her where her room was but Jade was asleep so he did the only sensible thing he could do. He took her to his apartment. 

Thank you for reading! 

 Fun fact: It's estimated that the average fart travels at a speed of 7 miles per hour!

lmao i just had to post that 

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