Chapter 13

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When Jade and Jack were dating, it seemed like Jack's relatives were everywhere.

Everyday Jade was being introduced to an uncle, a cousin, an aunt or whatever. Jade didn't mind meeting Jack's family, a part of her liked it. She liked being known as Jack's girlfriend by his whole family, it made her feel like a big part of Jack's life.

Now that Jade and Jack were broken up, Jade did her best to avoid Jack's relatives. If she saw any one of them approaching she would change the road she was using or duck into the nearest corner. In the one class she shared with Jack's cousin, Ava, Jade made sure she sat as far away from Ava. After class when Ava would try and initiate conversation Jade would act so busy and not reply.

All that was until this day.

Jade sat as far away from Ava as she could and pretended to be so focused on the previous week's work. Ava apparently had had enough of Jade ignoring her so she walked over to Jade.

"Hey," Ava said hovering over Jade who silently cussed before smiling at Ava.

"Ava, it's been too long," Jade responded with fake enthusiasm lacing her voice making it sound a few octaves higher.

"It has," Ava agreed seriously and Jade knew Ava wasn't in the mood for games. "How are you?"

"I'm great," Jade replied and Ava nodded.

"Have you talked to Jack lately?" Ava asked and Jade's heart sank the way it always did when she heard Jack's name.

"No, I haven't," Jade replied glancing down at her notes.

The conversation had suddenly grown awkward and Jade didn't know what to say.

"You and Nigel huh," Ava began and Jade's head whipped up to face Ava.

At the mention of Nigel's name, Jade felt defensive all of a sudden. What was it about Nigel that Ava wanted to say?

"What about us?" Jade snapped and Ava looked taken aback but she masked it with indifference.

They weren't really an 'us' but Jade wanted to make it seem like they were more. So that she'd spite Ava and maybe Jack would hear of it.

"You left Jack for him?" Ava asked and Jade shrugged. "You need to be careful with a guy like Nigel. He'll hurt you."

"Not if I hurt him first," Jade retorted.

Jade hated the way Ava sounded so matter of fact and looked so smug which was why she had made sure her words wiped the smugness of Ava's face.

"You've changed," Ava remarked before going away.

Ava's words hung in the air. Jade refused to acknowledge them. She didn't want to acknowledge the fact that she was toying with Nigel's heart under the reason 'revenge'. She had changed and it was the type of change she wasn't proud of.

Jade spent the rest of the class going over Jack's instagram. He looked so happy without her and Jade hated it. Even though she was almost happy without him, she wasn't as happy as he looked. He had a new song coming out soon and Jade hoped it would be terrible. Maybe then his record label could be taken away from him.

When class finally ended, Jade was in a terrible mood. Nigel called her and she almost ignored him but decided to answer eventually.

"Hey babe," he drawled and Jade forced a smile.

"Hey," Jade replied hoping her voice sounded happy.

"Are you busy?" Nigel asked and Jade shook her head before replying with a curt no. "Well my friends and I are watching the game at my apartment. You want to come through?"

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