Chapter 29: Don't Make Me Wait

Start from the beginning

"You're scared of me?"

I bite my lip and stare at him.

"I used to be."

He still scares me sometimes; well, not as much. He just makes me nervous, and he still makes me feel intimidated, but it's mixed with need and excitement now.

"Used to be? You're not any more?" He says, tilting his head to the side.

"Not really..."

"Then I'm not doing my job right."

I smile and roll my eyes. He gives me a sexy look and gulps back his drink.

"Jessie told me you like Motown." I say, hearing Stevie Wonder - My Cherie Amour playing in the background.

"Mmm." He nods. "Classical music too."

"Really?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yeah. What about you?"

"I like lots of stuff."

"Like?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Uh, Guns N' Roses, Whitney Houston, Queen, Marvin Gaye, Frank Sinatra, Fleetwood Mac... just loads of different stuff really."

"Yeah, that's pretty varied. It's good to be like that though. I like different genres too, as long as it sounds good."

"Mm." I agree. "I love musicals as well, like Grease and Dirty Dancing. Some people think they're cheesy, but I love them." I laugh softly.

Michael smiles slowly. Is he remembering the time when he caught me dancing to 'Do You Love Me' by The Contours? I still get the pain of embarrassment from that.

"I think I remember you like Dirty Dancing." He laughs softly.

"Don't." I make a face and giggle. "That was very embarrassing."

He smiles and looks down.

"No, Dirty Dancing is a good movie."

"Wow, not many men would admit that." I give him a look and laugh.

"Mmm..." He laughs softly. "I was never interested in them type of movies, but Freya loved them... Dirty Dancing was her favourite movie, and I must have watched it about a hundred times."

My big smile, turns in to a small, sympathetic smile. That's really cute.

"Kind of how I've watched Frozen a hundred times with Jessie." Michael smiles and looks back in to my eyes.

I felt like I wanted to say sorry, but I don't see sadness in his eyes. He looks happy talking about Jessie and Freya, and that makes me happy. He should reminisce the good times, and it's good to think of the happy memories.

"Well, you're obviously an expert on musicals, as well as Disney." I smile.

"You could say that." He chuckles. "Not really by choice though."

"There's no shame in that." I smirk.

He's so sweet.

"Do you like horror movies?"

He widens his eyes and laughs softly.



He shakes his head, blushing slightly.

"They're scary."

"That's the point." I chuckle. "So, you really do put on a tough act, don't you?"

"An act?" He lowers his eyebrows.

"Yeah! A front." I smirk. "You act all scary and tough, but you're actually a big softie."

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