Chapter 15 ~ Really ichika?!~

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I was sitting in my seat. The paper had yet to be handed out. I looked to my left and I saw that Ichika was finally in school. I haven't had the chance to talk to her yet. She doesn't look back at me. Hm she might be focused, I thought. I also see sakura is in and as lively as ever, you can see the energy pouring out of her body.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I feel relieved and confident, after talking to sakura yesterday. While I gather my self. The class starts to enter and take their seats. There is a huge rush of sound as the chairs are moving. People quickly sharing notes before the papers get handed out. But once the teacher started to hand out the papers, the noise slowly decreased to zero.

I looked up from my paper and to the right of me I saw kuroo. He was sitting down with his hair messy as usual. His lips were pursed in a thin line. Is he concentrating? Wow. That's something I thought I'd never see. I shook my head. This is the time to focus on my self. And with that I closed off all distractions, and the test started not long after.

~ Time skipp~

After sitting the maths test for about 2 hours. We started to get let out. Phew I'm glad one test is out of the way. It takes away stress. I think I did pretty well of inveigh honest so I'm not too worried. I walk out with a look of relief on my face.

I stood I front of the door waiting for Ichika and sakura to come out. Hm this is a bit strange I'm usually the last one out.

" Sakura I'm telling you I was just sick."

"Sick? Pft Yeah sorry I'm not going to believe that."

"Um why not?"

"It's not like you to go totally missing, plus not telling us why. You always tell us first thing when your sick"

I'm standing outside the classroom listening to their conversation. Okay how dare they start this without me.

I walk right back into the class.

"Hello I still exist you know" I barge into the convo feeling slightly offended that they did not think to include me.

"Oh hey y/n!" Sakura chimes

"Sorry for starting without you haha, but Ichika here is hiding something" Sakura informs me.

"So whats really going on" I ask as I turn my body to Ichika.

Not everyone has left the class yet. Some people stayed to listen to our conversation. But making it way too obvious. Ichika just looked around the classroom. She sighed.

"Guys please stop, I'm saying it's nothing so please let's leave it at that."

"But-" Sakura's words get interrupted, by something we thought we'd never hear.

" I don't have to tell you guys everything. Just please leave me alone for a while" she says calmly as she looks down annoyed and leaves the classroom.

With that people also start to leave and gossip about what happened. Great we all know that thia news will be out for the whole school in no time. I sigh at what just happened.

I turn my head to Sakura who looks upset and worried for Ichika.

"She'll talk to us again right?" She asks and looks at me.

"I'm not sure but we should give her space if that's what she wants" I reply.

Honestly I get where Ichika is coming from. She doesn't have to tell us everything. But being her best friends I guess we got used to the idea that we share everything. But everyone has their secrets. I hope at one point in time she feels comfortable telling us.

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