Chapter 8 ~ what is going on?~

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I came into class and sat down, everyone was here already I had a late start due to earlier events. I was unpacking my bag to start the lesson. And as I looked around I saw that Ichika was not in today?

"Pst sakura" I whispered across the classroom she didn't seam to catch on though.

"Sakura" I tried again but leaning to the right.
Why can't she hear me?

Uggdhhhhhfnsja Okay fine.

I calmed down and gained my composure, ripping a tiny piece of paper from my notebook, scrunching it up. I chucked it at her direction she looked up, with a puzzled face. I carried on looking at her.

"Where's Ich-"

"Um L/n may I remind you that you shouldn't be talking in class please stand outside. Who was the person oh we're talking to?" She crossed her arms waiting for me to respond.

I froze I didn't want to tell her it was sakura is wasn't her fault. I slightly turned to the right and saw her giving me the 'please don't tell look'.

It was silent. Everyone's eyes were on me.

"U-um W-well I was just-"

"It was me, sorry miss"

I looked at the person who spoke no way. What is going on today? Why would he say that?

"Kuroo I expected better, you just moved to this class go stand outside with her!" She yelled clearly done with our behaviour.

What did we even do jeez she must be in a bad mood.
I walked outside with kuroo walking behind me . Oh no will the school call my mum?

If they do I will be in so much trouble how am I supposed to explain this? My mum takes education so seriously, if she finds out I was talking in class who knows what type of long lectures she will give me.

Even worse what type of names she will call me! At this point I was freaking out I didn't know what to do I stood outside closing my eyes leaning against the lockers biting my lip as I was so stressed.

Then I heard the door close.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked confused

"Don't worry about it" I replied coldly

"Heyyy were supposed to be friends!!" He reminded me

"Not friends civil" I corrected

"Okay but still what's wrong?" He said as he put his arm on my shoulder.

As I gently put his arm down I started to rant because it's a habit when I'm stressed.

"Listen, I didn't even do anything that bad I was only trying to talk to sakura, to ask her why Ichika isn't in the class hadn't even started yet!" I said as I was pacing up and down the corridor waving my hands around.

As he was about to speak I carried on with my hand messaging my temples.

"And that's not the worst bit! When they tell my mum ohhhhhh boyyy no they can't do that it's just-"
He reaches to grab both me shoulders and is directly facing me. He was looking into my eyes. And calmly spoke

"L/n breathe. Calm down it's okay I'm sure they won't call your parents over this don't be so stressed out, you'll get wrinkles, okay?" He said nodding and I just nodded slowly back.

"Idiot" he says as he shakes his head smiling slightly.

I took a deep breath and just let it all out he's right I need to stay calm it most likely won't be that bad. It went silent for a while both of us were just minding our own business.

Though I'm pretty sure we just didn't know how to start a conversation.

"T-thanks" I suddenly blurred out

"Oya?" He questioned with a smirk

"I said t-thanks, you know for taking the blame for Sakura it was nice of you" I whispered the last bit.

"Oya oya oya is L/n-san thanking me I'm honoured" he says sarcastically whilst putting his hand on his chest smiling.

"Shut up Idiot" I rolled my eyes.

"Okay okay, seriously no problem" he gave me a small smile.

And with that we spent the rest of class standing outside and doing our own thing. There was silence but if wasn't awkward. It was relaxing no tension in the air.


The door suddenly opened and the teacher called us inside. As we were walking inside people were coming out of the classroom.

"Meet me at the roof" sakura whispers, I just nod showing her I heard her.

Shortly after everyone left the Teacher asked us to take a seat.

"Hmmm what am I going to do with you" she sighed. We just stayed silent knowing it wasn't que to speak.

It was silent for while, we were both looking down as we feel the teachers stared on us.
Suddenly the teacher spoke up.

"Since it was your first time's I'll let you off with a warning I don't Want this to happen again" she finalised ushering is to leave. We bowed and quickly walked out.

Kuroo was laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked generally confused

"How fun was that!" He exclaimed

"F-fun?" I repeated to myself

"Yeah! Hahaha the adrenaline was great you need to loosen up a little" he smiled a wide toothy smile.

I just looked up at his face, he was in a good mood his eyes were shining with joy and his smile made him look cute.

We stared at each other for a bit. Until he decried to break the stare.

"Well, bye!!" he ran off and waved.

Loosen up a little? His words stuck in my head. I did feel a rush when I was standing outside. Is that supposed to be fun? I had so many questions running through my mind. But that was not my biggest concern

I still needed to go to the roof to meet sakura.

Little do you know ~ kuroo x reader ~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant