Chapter 2 ~ The game~

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I sat in the bleachers on my phone hearing people talking and predicting who they think will win of course Sakura and ichika in those conversations. And out schools volley ball team was practicing before the other school arrived.

I looked up from my phone for a bit to see the actual team, I hadn't payed much attention to them but if I was going to watch the match, I might aswell see who they are. I saw boys obviously, it's a boys team duh I'm so stupid. But that's not what I meant, as in they were practicing hard, even if it was just for a practice match.

They looked fully into the game, as I was watching I noticed a very tall guy with black bed hair, facing his back toward me talking to some one. Omg it's him that rude guy I bumped into. WTH I knew he was in the team but he's a regular?

"Whatcha doingggg" Sakura looks at me smirking

"Is our y/n-chan interested in volleyball now or a certain some one" Ichika adds on raising her eyebrows.

"No" I replied bluntly

"Who is that" I questioned point to that guy

"You don't know him?" Ichika looked puzzled

"Should I?" I was generally confused who is this guy other than bumping into him today I had no clue of his existence.

" That's kuroo- san" Sakura screamed and it went silent. Everyone in the hall looked in our direction. Even the guy stared at us for a few seconds.

"Gomen" Sakura said as she blushed with embarrassment.

And everyone went back to what they were doing.

"Well done Sakura" Ichika said sarcastically and laughed.
"Stop" she whispered this time.

"Anyway he is kuroo-san he's popular and a lot of girls swoon over him" Ichika explained further.

"Oh so one of those fuck boys ?" I questioned

"Well I don't know him personally but look at him I'm not surprised everyone is all over him" she says as she stares.

Wow so that's who he is I mean I've heard of him but I didn't know it was that arrogant guy. How can girls like some one like that. I was thinking all sorts of negative and cynical thoughts about him when I heard,

"HEY HEY HEY!" Everyone looked at the entrance of the hall, and saw a guy wearing Fukurodani volleyball uniform. And the rest of the team followed behind. Who is that he looks like an owl.

He's so loud aswell probably another ego inflated volleyball player.

"Bokuto-senpiii" I hear a few girls shout trying to get some one's attention waving at him. So that's bokuto I look over to see that he went to mingle with the girls on the other side. A typical thing for jocks I guess.

"Oooo I can't waittt for the match to start" a girl was saying to her friend she wasn't in my year maybe in her second?

But it seemed a lot of people wanted to see this. A few moments after the members on each team had greeted each other the teachers asked everyone to settle down and to let the two teams warm up.

"So y/n-chan who do you think will win?" Ichika says with enthusiasm.

"I don't know I mean who ever wins doos on them" I said trying to sound as optimistic as possible I didn't want to ruin the atmosphere.

"I kinda want bokuto-san to win" sakura says as she blushes

"Huhhhh traitor" Ichika teased as they were playing around.

I noticed the bed head guy and owl guy talking whilst the rest of the team finished the warms ups they seem close? Oh who cares it's none of my business anyway.

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