Chapter 36 ~Time skip~

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"Ahhhh we finally did it!!" Sakura yelled whilst walking into the classroom.

"Yeah I guess we did" ichika agrees feeling accomplished.

I would be lying if I said I don't feel the same.

After kuroo came over to my house, I stopped thinking about the past.

It was clear we had to move forward, I mean he was going abroad starting fresh.

Of course we don't all have to go the extreme and move completely, but sometimes just letting go of past events and allowing yourself to move on, can make a huge difference.

The day after tomorrow will be prom, which is the last day we'll all see each other under the school's supervision.

After that, it comes down to staying in contact.

"Helllooooo y/nnn!!!! Jeez the year isn't even over yet but your going into your deep thinking mode" Sakura complains as she pouts.

"Think about all that stuff after the year ends, enjoy the time now" she beams her smile at me.

I return a smile, even though it's not enough to match her level of energy but it means well.

"Sup" we all hear a small voice, and look towards the door frame.

"Oh kenma!" Sakura loudly calls out to him. As he walks over and smiles.

"Hey what are you doing here? Hasn't your lesson started?" Ichika asks curiously.

"Nope, not yet" he replies whilst yawning.

Not to Long after kuroo walks in with Yaku and the rest of his team.

"Hey what's up" he greets us as he hangs his arm over Kenma's shoulder.

"Nothing much, what brings you here" kenma replied as he took kuroo's arm off himself.

"Not sure, probably because it's my class" kuroo tries to hold in his laughter.

"That's not what I meant, why are you showing so early?" He asked.

"Oh I was just going to ask, since it's practically our last day is in two days, if you guys all wanted to come over tomorrow ." He suggested as he looked at us.

"Sure sounds fun" I respond smiling.

During these past few days me and kuroo have worked to fix things between us, I must say it's worked out pretty well.

Agreed what happened before was tragic, but I can see he's making an effort and what good would it do me to hold onto negative emotions?

I wouldn't say we've become the best of friends, that's practically impossible. But I'd say we're at a good stage.

Sometimes it's hard to even call him my 'friend' because it can clearly be seen that there are still lingering feelings from both sides.

We do have our awkward moments, but it's better than not talking at all.

I also decided to forgive the rest of the team, I really hope they don't encourage this type of behaviour anymore though. Which I'm pretty sure they won't.

They made a mistake but I'm quite sure that they didn't have any malicious intent behind their actions.

I guess you could call it a misguided sense of entertainment?

Of course I didn't fully excuse them, we're still rebuilding our friendships, but I'd say that's going well.

"I'm sorry but please don't count me in" kenma politely rejects kuroo's invite, causing all our attention to fall on him.

"Huh why not?" Kuroo furrows his eyebrows as he questions him.

"I'm not available tomorrow that's all" kenma shrugs.

"Let me guess, your games booked you first?" He asks sarcastically as he rolls his eyes.

"Mhm" he gives him a nod, indicating he guessed correctly.

"Kenma!! You can't do this" Sakura complains, which causes kenma to look at her, as she walks to him.

"I'm going to be there so just bring your games and play with me!" She asserts as she leans to grab his shoulders and lightly shake him, before letting go.

Kenma sighs.

"Yes ma'am" he muttered, barely audible.

"Great I guess that settles it, bokuto has already given his consent so I'll see you all there" kuroo finalises.

Everyone then waves bye, as they scatter to get to their classes. Some of us just take our seats as we are already in class. 

As I started taking out my equipment, I felt some one tap my arm.

I looked to my right and smiled.

"Whats up?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see if you would respond" he beamed a cheeky smile.

"I'd like to spend my last few lessons in peace of you don't mind" I said as I playfully roll my eyes.

And after that, we pretty much talked throughout the whole lesson, with ichika and Sakura involved of course.

And the whole day passed quite smoothly, it was surprisingly enjoyable.

Things were starting to look up, I just can't wait for tomorrow.

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