Chapter 30 ~Ichika❧~

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~ Ichika pov ~
I was walking home from school, Sakura stayed behind because of her club and y/n had to run an errand. So I was walking alone.

I guess the year really is coming to an end huh. I say to myself as I lightly shake my head, trying to process the events of this year.

I can't believe I actually ended up dating bokuto, I honestly didn't foresee that, then there was that silly thing I did where I was scared to tell the girls, which honestly I'm not sure why?

I internally laughed at my silly behaviour as I enjoyed the walk home.

As I took a turn I saw a familiar figure leaning on the tree standing a meter in front of me.


I decide to pretend I didn't notice and tried to walk past the tree. But he stood in front of me when I did.

"Your blocking the pavement" I bluntly said hoping he'd move.

"Okay then let's stand there" he said with his usual energy dragging me under the tree he was just leaning on.

I pull my arm from his grip.

"Ouch" I mumbled as I rubbed my arm.

"A-ah I'm sorry!" He apologises as he rubs the back of his head.

"But Ichika you need to hear me out-" I don't let him finish.

"Bokuto we've had a conversation before and there's nothing more left to say, I guess things just didn't work out" I say to him trying to leave quickly, not wanting to open up my feelings.

"No Ichika that wasn't a conversation it was a one sided rant, I don't like being serious but this is one of the unfortunate times I have to. You just blocked me without even trying to sort things out, now it's my turn to speak" he sternly asserts.

Which is the first I've seen from him.

"Go on then"  I mutter defeated.

I guess I should hear him out. I stood there waiting for him to continue.

"Ichika look, this year is almost over we're literally going to uni next year! I'm not sure if we're even going to the same one yet. And im not sure if I'll see or speak to you again." He goes on as I listen really taking in his words.

Will I really not speak to him again, will he find someone else. Just the thought of another girl with bokuto made me cringe and hurt me.

"I really do want us to fix things, I like you. I know things are patchy at the moment but kuroo is trying to fix things in his part. So could we sort out what's between us? Please Ichika don't leave me hanging" I could hear and see the desperation in him.

As I thought about it, of course I want to fix things with him, I like him too. I want us to be together again. I want it to go back to the times we're we were all friends and happier.

But we cant.

And that's because of what the guys did.

Which is why it would be wrong of me to forgive and get back together with Bokuto right now. Because if I do that I'd just be betraying y/n.

Which is something I'm not okay with.

I felt conflicted, hurt, sad and most of all confused.

My heart wanted two things at once, however they could not both be achieved at this time.

I took a deep sigh and decided to let Him know once and for all.

"I like you too" I mumbled breaking the silence

Which caused bokuto to look at me with hope and happiness gleaming in his eyes.

"I like you bokuto, but I cannot betray y/n. I want to be with you, but that would be unfair to y/n. Now you tell me what do I do in a situation like this?!" I raise my voice a little, trying to explain what type of situation I am in.

He then looks down at the ground and sighs shaking his head. When he looks up he has a small smile plastered on his face.

And not just any smile, a sad one?

"I guess there's not fixing it then huh." He says whilst looking up to the sky, I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"Bokut-" he didn't let me finish.

"I get it now, the situation your in. It's hard. It it wouldn't have to be this way if we didn't screw up. If only I could change the things that I said, and stop kuroo from doing something so silly. Then our relationship wouldn't have even broken" he shakes his head as he looks away form the sky and directly at me.

When I see his face my eyes slightly widen as I see tears forming at his eyes.

"I guess I really do have to move on and start the year fresh. I couldn't even go to prom with you like I was planning. Hahaha sorry I'm not sure what else to say my mind is kinda in shock you know" he says casually as tears are sliding down his cheeks and he rubs the back of his head.

It hurts me seeing him this sad, it makes want to go hug him and sort things out. But I think it's best if we both take this pain and move on.

"I'll see you around Ichika, well I'm not even sure about that because we don't even go to the same school, hahaha. But you know what I mean. I wish you the best" he says as he gives me one more sad smile and walks off.

I didn't even get to respond, he left me with so many different emotions that I don't even know what to think, heck I can't even comprehend what just happened.

I sit under the tree and let out all my tears. I quietly cry as I recall what he said. I guess we're actually done then. 


Another update for todayyy, that makes 3 :0
Just thought they should be released together ygmmm.

Enjoy guys, love seeing ya comments

✍︎✍︎ cya in the next chapter yo girl A/n :p

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