Bonus chapter - Chapter one- Ethan's POV

Start from the beginning

 Lucas scoffed. "Territorial is putting it lightly. One time a guy on the team asked her out on a date, and Ethan snuck a crap ton of laxatives in his drink, so he shat himself on the date."

 I smiled at the memory. I watched the whole disastrous date, and let's just say the guy certainly didn't get a second date. 

What can I say, it was cruel, but it worked... 

"Y-you m-made a guy shit himself, just for asking her out," Nick stuttered in disbelief.

 I chuckled and nodded my head. "Yup," I chirped. 

"Best idea of my life, nobody's asked her out since," I smiled as I climbed out of the car.

 "Jesus Christ, I'm not surprised," Nick muttered as him and Lucas got out of the car.

 We all walked over to the doors and entered the shop. The shop bell chimed above our heads, and I did a quick scan of the room to see if I could find that familiar bouncy dark hair. I smiled as my eyes landed on my target. 

Looking as beautiful as ever, Mia Collins was leaned up lazily by the counter. She was chatting busily away to her red-haired friend, May. 

Her hair was tied up messily in a bun above her head, and a few stray tendrils of hair had escaped from the bun, framing the soft angles of her face. 

Time had only been kind to Mia, and with each year, she just seemed to grow more and more irresistibly beautiful.

 I honestly could have stared at her all day. But at that moment, she decided to turn her head in my direction, forcing me to look away.

"Come on guys, let's go get a table," I sighed as I started to head over to a corner booth. 

I passed by a group of ten-year-old girls who were shamelessly pointing and giggling at us. I just rolled my eyes and continued walking. That was an annoying thing about this place, it was swarmed with annoying little kids who liked to flirt with you. One time, I swear to God, one of them tried to slip me their phone number.

  It was almost enough to put me off my ice-cream... 

But despite that incident, I continued to come here. Spending a little extra time with Mia would always be worth putting up with a little bit of annoyance.

I threw my self down onto one of the chairs with a sigh and watched as Lucas and Nick took a seat across from me.

 I looked back towards the counter with narrowed eyes, wondering If Mia or the other male worker would come to serve out table. I turned back to face them with a scowl. 

"I'm going to throw an actual fit if that stupid blonde ponytail dude comes over to serve our table," I spat.

 Lucas chuckled. "Well, looks like you're in luck, little miss hot stuff is heading right your way," he smiled as he gestured over to her, with the nod of his head. 

I looked up, and a happy grin stretched over my face as I watched her march her way over to us. 

She didn't look happy at all to be coming over here, she looked pissed. Her lips were pressed tightly together, and I could see one of her hands was squeezed into a fist. This was her normal reaction when she saw me, so I wasn't surprised. 

As she got closer, I turned my head away from her, so it didn't seem like I was watching her walking. I heard her stop in front of our table.

"Hey guys, Welcome to Sugar Shake. Can I interest you in anything to eat or drink?" She asked in a rehearsed and overly chirpily voice. 

Ice cream, Teasing and Awkward SituationsWhere stories live. Discover now