Chapter 34: Operation: Goalpost

Comenzar desde el principio

Sandman spotted the tank destroyed and ordered them to advance forward. The Russians called back and ran away as they keep moving forward.

The team moved to a nearby hotel as Team Metal and Alpha-9 flanked the enemies on the right. Buck took out several enemies with his MA5 pulse rifle with Rookie beside him taking out enemies with his BR55. Sandman was on the right side flanking the enemies and taking them out with is M4 with Frost besidd him.

The tank soon stopped as everything in the area went quiet. The teams regrouped with the tank and took cover.

"What's the hold up?" Sandman asked.

"The only way through is in the parking garage and out to the other side!" Tank crew Alex said. "We're going to have to take it slow - not sure if it can handle the wei...." Carter was cut off as a Sniper took him out."

"Sniper!" Sandman shouted as they all took cover behind the walls.

"Carter's hit! He's hit!"

"Where are the targets?"

Buck peek out and zoomed using his VISR, he spotted several snipers with spotters on the rooftop. "Top floor on the building in front of you. Hit it now."

The two tanks concentrated their fire on the west side of the building and fired a sabot round. "Frost, get up on that minigun."

Frost followed his Leader's order and climbed up the tank and took control of the minigun. He fired at the front of the garage where several enemy troopers beginning to enter, but as they were about to enter a Mi-24 Hind appeared above them. Catching them by surprise.

"Hind! Hind!"

"Back it up now!"

The two tanks retreated as it avoided getting hit by it's 30mm auto cannons. "Trophy systems online. Get down!" Frost ducked down in cover just in time as the missile exploded above his head.

"Everyone okay?"

"Talk to me 2-2?"

"We're good."

"Alright. Let's roll."

Everyone got out of cover and fired back. Frost got back to the minigun and cleared a path for the team. A T-90 flanked an Abram to the left side. Sandman took an RPG on the ground and fired it and destroyed the tank. The tanks in the other focus on the Hind and shoot it down with it's sabot round.

"Advance." Buck said taking point.

"They're falling back to the garage." Rhino-1 said and true to his words most of the reinforcements from the enemies started falling back to the garage.

"Yeah, there scared shitless."

The two Abrams entered the garage. Rhino-2 entered first and turned right. "Let's move in."

"They ran further to the garage."

"Alright, let's get this show on the road."

The two tanks separated from left to right and cleared each direction while the infantries moved behind the tanks. Buck got out of cover and dashed forward followed by Rookie, they bust through the solid wall and cleared the enemies inside while the Marines entered safely.

The Abrams now cleared the entire first section of the garage and now moving to the next level. The tanks turn right and moved up to the next level. "Whoa! Whoa! Wait!" Rhino-2 said as Buck and Rookie listened to the communication channel.

"Back up! Back up!" Buck and Rookie finally get what they said, but it was too late as the floor breaks and they all fell down along with Rhino-2. "OOOH SHIIT!"

"SHIT!" Buck cursed as he fell down and landed on his back as he stood up a large rock fell on top of him. "ARGHH." He groaned in pain.


"2-2, you Alright?! 2-2, come in!?"

Sandman jumped down and landed on top of the Abram. Buck and Rookie removed the rubble on top of them. "You good?" Sandman asked the ODST.

"I'm good." Buck said moving away a large rock on his leg.

Sandman nodded and turned his attention to the tank crew. "You guy's okay?"

"Yeah, we're good."

"Can you shoot?"

"Yeah, I can hold in my own."

"Alright, basic fellas. Find cover, return fire. Let us know if you need help."

The Tank crew and the joint Teams spotted an exit to the garage, but as they were about to exit a convoy pull up as several enemy troopers got out.


"Return fire."

Ending the fight quickly, Rookie charged forward and bashed the LTV and took out the rest of the enemies.

"Good work Rookie. Let's move."

Back outside the rest of the tank crew finally cleared the hostiles outside and are advancing they turned to the street and find three cars. "Check the vehicles." Sandman ordered as they look inside to find nothing but dead bodies.

"Nothing here."

"They're not here." Sandman muttered calling his CO. "Overlord, negative precious cargo. I say again, they're not at the convoy."

"Copy. Check the area for any sign of the delegates, but be advised - Pelican 4 will be on the station for exfil ten minutes, over."

"Copy, your last."

As they were investigating Buck spotted a trail of blood on the wall. "Hey! There's a lot of blood over here."

"It's going up the stairs."


They took a step forward slowly and suddenly they heard the multiple voices up the stairs followed by a two gunshots. "Up the stairs."

They rushed up the stairs as Rookie and Frost took lead, they placed a C4 on the door and blow it. Entering inside the duo cleared every single enemies inside before Buck and Sandman entered followed by the rest of the Tank crew and the  marines.

Sandman went up to the delegate and took off the piece of clothing covering his eyes. "Look at me. Look at me. It's him."

"Overlord, this is Metal 0-1. Jackpot. Package is secure." Sandman reported.

"Solid copy 0-1. Great work, Pelicans are now dropping in the AO."

Up above the skies several S.A.T.O. pelicans accompanied by AH-64D Apache hovered above the streets as C-6 Drones dropped down to secure the perimeter and extract the Vice President.

"Truck, Grinch, we got our guy. We're on our way to LZ Neptune meet us there."

"Nice I guess the first rounds ond us."

Location: Unknown
Time: 1430 Hours
Date: 04/11/2013

Seating on the spot was General Shepherd along side with other very important people of the United States military. "Gentlemen. What do we have here?"

"MI6 reported about the shipment and has been traced to Bosaso, Somolia. It was run by a nasty piece of work named. Warabe."

They showed an african man in his late 40s wearing a green camouflage uniform and standing beside him were several militia carrying AK-47. Shepherd nodded at the intel and planned an attack.

"Send in the 141. They'll get the job done."

The others didn't object his orders and nodded.

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