Chapter Twenty-Nine

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   Later that night Kenma and Kuroo ran into the manor in a panic, slamming the door behind them. Kenma quickly left to change back into his work clothes while Kuroo hurried into the kitchen to start on the snack.

Kenma stripped out of the tatters and into his large trousers, his stepfamily could be home any minute and he didn't want to risk getting found out. But he couldn't help the smile that was edged on his face when the thought about the night. Most of it was a blur of colors and talking to him really. But the feeling of Hinata's hand on his waist and hand made his skin still tingle in excitement. Every time he blinked he could see Hinata's warm eyes looking at him like he was the finest treasure in the world. He didn't notice how his face turned bright pink when he thought about them sitting at that fountain, or when he spied Kuroo's smirk when they escaped the crowd. "Kenma! There almost here!" Kuroo's panicked voice called from the kitchen. Kenma grabbed his apron and dashed down the stairs into the kitchen, taking a plate full of grapes, cheese, and bread into the dinning room and going back for the wine. "Kuroo, use the back door so they don't see you." He pushed his friend towards the back door and grabbed the bottle and some glasses.

Kuroo caught his shoulder before he could go up the steps, "Wait! Your hair!"

"What?" Kenma took a lock of his hair to see bright yellow. He was still blonde! "What do i do! If they see im done for!"

"Uh, uh.... I don't know- wait!" Kuroo dragged the boy over to the chimney and sat him on his knee's, dipped his hand under the hanging pot to grab a handful of soot. He slapped the soot on top of Kenma's head and stroked it into the blonde locks, making its bright yellow into a deep black. "It'll have to do. I'll come by tomorrow alright." Kuroo spoke as they heard the front door burst open. Kenma grabbed the bottle and walked into the foyer to greet his Stepfamily, "Welcome home."

"God Kenma what happened to you? Your more filthy then usual?" Oikawa demended, leaning away from the boy who practically littered soot all over the floor. "I-i was cleaning the chimney sir."

"Well make sure to clean up your mess after you serve us some of that wine. Heaven knows i need it." The three collapsed in the dinning room chairs, none speaking as Kenma put down the glasses. "How was the ball sir?"

"Absolutely dreadful. The boys were doing so well with the prince but then this, this- crimson prince came waltzing in and stole away the prince for the rest of the night!" Oikawa seethed, gulping down the entire glass of wine Kenma had poured for him before holding it out for another. "A crimson prince you say? Do you know who it was?"

"No, no one had every seen him before. And trust me i asked around." Astumu sighed, "I heard that he may be a prince from across the sea, there's no way anyone could have that kind suit and not be, exotic." Suguru muttered as he stuffed his face with cheese. The three continued to complain about this mystery prince, both about how rude he was to take the prince or how wonderful his outfit looked. And how the prince seem totally into their advances. All the while Kenma was grinning on the inside like an idiot. "And then he had the audacity to run out like that! You know, i heard that royal advisor guy telling one of the guards that they were to go look for the mystery guy in the morning. I think he left something behind." Atsumu said as he nursed his glass of wine. Both Oikawa and Kenma froze, "Did they say what he left behind?"

"No, I didn't catch it. But if you ask me i thought i saw the guy trip while running through the ballroom, and it looked like he lost a shoe."

"That's stupid Atsumu, there's no way you could tell if he lost one of his white shoes the lights were to bright on the floor. Honestly at first i though his shoes were made of like glass or something."

"Now thats stupid Suguru." The boys were about to get up and fight but Oikawa shut them up, "Atsumu may be right, especially with all those stairs its very easy to lose a shoe. Ive seen it plenty of times before with women. And if their going to look for this mysterious man there going to start in this kingdom. We may not have lost our chance yet." He grinned evilly. He ushered the boys off to bed and instructed Kenma to leave two giant buckets of water out over night so they could cool outside. "Yes sir." Kenma bowed and went straight for the pump outside to fill the buckets, the nights were always colder and if water was left out it would be freezing the next morning. Which is why Kenma never left their clothes out to dry at night.

"Kenma, clean up those cinders you left in the foyer. I better not see a spec of it tomorrow morning."

"Yes sir, goodnight sir." Kenma muttered, rolling his eyes at Oikawa's sneer. He went into the kitchen and picked up the broom from under the stairs. He began to sweep the moonlit hall, putting all the soot into a pile to sweep into a dustpan. He left the broom leaning up against the stairs as he threw away the cinders, "Finally, I'm exhausted." He sighed, going to pick up the broom but stopped. He noticed a small notch in the broom handle from when Hinata had taken over his duties- having accidentally slammed it into the counter somehow. Running his fingers over it the though back to how they had danced that evening, how the music blended perfectly into the background as they glided across the floor in their own little world. How he wished to be back dancing in those arms that made him feel so safe even with all those eyes watching him through out the night. So lost in his daydream he hummed the beautiful music as he danced around the foyer with the broom as a partner, pretending it was the prince he desired so dearly. Feet light as he recalled the simple waltz and the beautiful flute that had accompanied them. He danced all the way up the stairs even after his partner had been placed back in the kitchen, so lost in his little dance that he was completely unaware of the anger glare being sent his way from the other side of the hall, "i should of known it was you little rat." He whispered, petting Tendou's head like a cat. "I wont lose to you." He glared at the boy as he watched Kenma walk up to the attic.

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