Chapter Twenty-Three:

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   After a couple hours his mother managed to get Hinata to eat an apple his sister had brought to him before passing out on her lap. She tucked him with Natsu giving him her stuffed bunny to cuddle with, blowing out the candles as they left. His mother sent Natsu to bed before going to see her husband. When she arrived in his study both the king and Suga were sipping at a pot of tea, "Your majesty, would you like some tea?"

"Yes please."

"How was Shouyou?" His father asked hesitantly, she only sighed sadly when she was handed the cup of tea. "Terribly upset my dear. Seems this boy had more of an effect on him then we thought." Taking a sip she glanced at her husband who was rubbing his graying beard, "could this perhaps just be a. . . A fling. Just a one off thing maybe?"

"Hiroshi!" She hissed making the older man raise his hands his defence, "i mean no disrespect darling, but you know how young boys are. Perhaps this was just a summer like fling is all."

"If i may your majesty, i have to disagree with you, if i may?"

"Of course Suga, you are my advisor and are free to say whatever you wish."

"Well you see your majesty, ive heard Hinata very fondly of the young man. Seemingly far beyond just any normal fling as you suggest. They've spent many days together these past couple months and by what Mr Ukai has told us having observed at the market that the boy shares the same feelings. I do believe that its love between the two." Suga couldn't hold the smile that spread on his face when he thought of how Hinata had described Kenma after the second day of the festival. Eyes distance with that unmistakable gaze of someone completely enraptured, and the way he talked about him you could hear the love he had. "Well then we must get them back together, do we know the boy's name? Perhaps we could arrange a meeting so they can talk."

"Unfortunately we don't. We only know his first name and the boy refuses to talk to Hinata. And I think while it may hurt, Hinata wouldn't force him to come and talk if he didn't want to."

"That does seem like Shouyou and your right. Well what do we do?" His father got up to pace the room, quietly grumbling to himself. "Dearest do sit down you know you have a bad knee. There must be someway they can meet on good terms." She sighed, swirling her tea in her cup. Suga helped the king sit back in his chair when he noticed something sticking out from under the desk, "What is that your highness?"

"Oh this? Its present for Shouyou's birthday, some knew fencing gloves since he wore out his last ones." The king chuckled, placing the box in his desk. As he closed the drawer Suga slammed his hands down on the desk, "That's it! That's how we get them to see each other!"

"Gloves? How is that going to help?"

"No not gloves your Majesty! His birthday! What if a week from now we throw a ball for his birthday? We can invite everyone in the kingdom, that way they can see each other without being forced." Suga exclaimed, "That's a perfect idea Suga, we must start planning right away!" The queen quickly stood, opening the office doors and called for Kiyoko. When the women arrived they immediately started planning and having the invitations made, needing them out as soon as possible. Suga rushed out to the kitchen with a hastily written declaration in his hand. Bursting into the crowded kitchen he startled the staff, "Suga? What's wrong?" Daichi asked, trying to calm his friends frantic breathing. Out of breath Suga just handed him the paper before doubling over to catch his breath.

Daichi unrolled the paper and barely got passed the first few sentences before passing it to Asahi, "I'll alert the messenger to take this in the morning."

"Suga are you planning something?"

"We are going to help Shouyou *huff* see his boyfriend again. But *huff* we need to make sure he goes." The grey haired man explained the rest of the plan before Kiyoko came in with a list. They only had a week to get everything ready and they had a lot to do.

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