Chapter Sixteen:

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  "So you have played chess before?"

"Yeah, my friend Kageyama insists we play at least six times a week. Ive never won in the past four years and i still don't understand the rules." Hinata sighed as Kenma retuned with a simple chess set. He and Kageyama had played just yesterday and he lost so fast. They decided to spend the rest of the day doing their dual teachings and tomorrow Kuroo suggested a picnic at the river in the forest. 

Kenma set the faded board between him and Hinata, unfolding it and pulling the wood pieces from the box. He gave himself the dark oak and Hinata the light redwood, "Do you know all the pieces and how they move."

"Not really. Kageyama never explained it to me and whenever i asked he'd just yell at me. Ive picked up a little, like pawns can only move a single space forward. And the king can only make a single move to get out of the way of check, but not if the space is in danger. But I'm usually so trapped by then I've got nothing." He explained as they set up their sides of the board, each wooden piece making a soft tap as they were placed on the board. "Honestly. While I'd really love to win i really just do not want to lose almost immediately, if you can accomplish that then you will be a miracle worker." He nervously chuckled as he stared down at the board, it becoming way more daunting then it probably was in his head. Kenma gave him a small smile and patted his shoulder, "Its alright. Kuroo cant play either." Kuroo made a sound of offense from his side of the platform where he decided to continue his nap.

"Well once you know how the pieces move it will make it a lot easier. Your right about the pawn and king, but there's still four pieces left. The knight moves in an 'L" like formation with three spaces only, its also the only piece that can move around another piece. The bishop can only move diagonally on your color- which is white and mine is black- next is the rook, it can move anywhere but diagonally. And lastly the queen, the queen can go anywhere on the board and stands beside your king." Hinata nodded, touching each piece as Kenma talked. He then recited each back to him moving the pieces as such, "wow, that is easier then i thought." They started a game, Hinata taking the first move since he had the lighter pieces.

Hinata was already doing better then he had the day before, he still lost of course but it lasted much longer then his usual games. And he managed to take some of Kenma's higher pieces aside from just his pawns. They played a few more, each stretching a bit longer and ending with Hinata's defeat. Kenma sighed, Kuroo had stopped playing with him after being beaten so much- having lost the passion to keep going after so many loses. Kenma glanced up as he set up for another match, expecting to see Hinata's defeated face- but instead he was smiling. Smiling like an idiot as he fumbled with the pieces, "Do you want to stop and take a break?"

"One more time! Please?"

"Alright." They played two more games before Kuroo woke up and dragged them down to- and he quotes "something more interesting." Hinata had no complaints, helping Kenma up and giving him a hand to hold onto as he turned to use the ladder. The brunette's cheeks flushing slightly at Hinata's chivalry, he thanked him quietly and climbed down the ladder ignoring Kuroo's raised eyebrow. "Anyway lets get started!" He called out as soon as Hinata dropped to the ground since he opted to just jump over the rail. "Right! Uh, we'll need some sticks. Hold on." He ran off down the hill into the edge of the forest, finding two branches around the same length as his arm- maybe a bit longer- and broke them off to carry back.

He handed one to Kenma and kept the other to himself. "Will start with these before we use blades, its easier and safer." He laughed twirling the stick on his hand like it was a baton while Kenma just held it awkwardly in his. Seeing the tenseness of Kenma's shoulder Hinata ran his hands over them, "Relax, being tense will only make it harder. Fencing is a sport of movement and looseness, its quick, small, and precise. Its not big grand swings and jabs like performers do for excitement. I suggest we start with the more formal version of fencing since surprisingly thats the easiest. Even though i prefer the more free-er version of just sparing. Kuroo you've fenced before right?"

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