Chapter nine:

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"Your highness wake up!" A ruler slammed down onto the small desk the prince had fallen asleep on. The boy screamed and fell out of his chair, "I'm awake!"

"Your highness it be in your best interest to sit back down and do your work, or i will have no choice but to extend this lesson into your fencing time." His teacher threatened, glasses gleaming dangerously. The prince scrambled back into his seat and opened his book to the write page and started practicing the equations he was suppose to. His best friend/training partner snickering in the other lone desk in the room. His teacher sighed and ran his hand through his short blonde hair, "Yamaguchi please fetch me geography volume three."

"Sure Tsukki." His cheery assistant went up to the bookshelf to search through the books. He placed the heavy book on the princes desk for him to read after the equations were done. His teacher was brutal and scary, but he knew what he was doing even if he had to threaten people to get their work done. Kageyama leaned over to his friend and said, "this is what you get for escaping for an entire day Hinata."

Hinata Shouyou, heir to the thrown of Karasuno was in his daily studies that were to one day help him run his country and help it prosper. Now he wasn't the brightest when it came to math or science but he was smarter then people- especially his tutor- thought he was.

"I wouldn't be talking Kageyama, you still have plenty of work to do to, and if im right- which i am- you've skipped out on double the amount of classes he has. So why don't you read all of the trade reports of the kingdom this past ten years." Tsukkishima smirked at the fear fall over the boys face as the giant book was placed on his desk by Yamaguchi. Hinata finished his equations and finished reading the chapter he was assigned when he was allowed to leave. "I'm sorry to say but it seems your fencing partner here still has work to do." Tsukkishima grabbed the back of Kageyama's tunic and shoved him back into the desk chair. Hinata laughed at his friends poor state, "That's what you get for talking." He giggled as he skipped away.

He decided to go back to his room and get his "regular clothes" and head into the city. He put on his white undershirt and green vest, brown trousers and his old leather boots. As he walked down the hall towards the servant entrance he messed up his once combed hair, "Good afternoon your highness. Going out into town again today?"

"Yes Daichi, would you like me to grab you anything while im in town?" Samawara Daichi- or everyone called him Daichi was the head cook in the castle kitchen. "Also stop with the your highness thing, were friends you don't need to call me that."

"Ah sorry, old habits i suppose. Why don't you have a snack before you go." Daichi handed him a small bowl of miso soup and cleared a space on the counter so the prince could sit. Hinata liked to come down to the kitchen and talk to some of the staff- even snatch some food from time to time. Daichi was nice and gave good advice, even taught him how to make some dishes in case he was up really late and wanted something to eat. "Hey Hinata!" Called out another voice form the other side of the kitchen. "Hey Nishinoya!" Nishinoya was the head baker, in charge of all the desserts. The two had immediate bonded the first time they met since Nishinoya was the first boy Hinata had ever met that was shorter then him. "What are you making today?"

"Chocolate pudding, but its not done yet."

"Aww man."

"Heading into town again? Didn't you get in trouble yesterday about that?"

"Only because i missed class and i payed for it today. Tsukkishima is brutal." Hinata happily ate the soup and chatted with his two friends. Nishinoya's right hand man Tanaka was out in the orchard getting some apples so he wasn't present at the moment. He finished the soup and thanked them for letting him stay. "Come back anytime. Oh could you get me some fresh tofu while your out?"

"Sure! I'll be back soon!" He walked out the servant entrance and down the long path, while he could take the carriage or the horse he found it more fun to walk. Or run. Today he opted to skip down the dusty road and kick some stones on the way. He hummed a happy tune as he made it out of the forest into the fields, "What pretty flowers!" He held some of the yellow carnations in his hand, not picking them. "I should get some for Mother on the way back."

"Oh, its you." He heard a quiet voice behind him. Turning to his left he saw Kenma walking with a wicker basket, "Hey Kenma! We meet again! Are you heading to the city?"

"Yes im doing some shopping."

"Me too! We should go together!" He beamed, "If you want to that is."

"Sure it'll be nice to have some company." Hinata cheered, jumping up to walk beside the brunette. They walked in silence for a while, the only sound was Hinata's humming and their footsteps on the path. It was comfortable and not awkward, "Hey i think you dropped something." Kenma stopped and turned around to see Hinata on one knee picking up what he had dropped. It was his puzzle from Kuroo, "Oh thanks." He took the puzzle and decided to play with it as they walked. "What is it?"

"It's a puzzle, my friend got it for me."

"Wow thats cool! Is it fun?"

"I think so." Kenma continued to shuffle the boxes while Hinata watched over his shoulder in awe at how fast his hands were moving. "Looks complicated, I don't think i could ever do that. I can barely win at chess."

"You play chess?" Kenma paused the shuffling to look over at the boy who became flushed, he rubbed the back of his head nervously, "Yeah, my friend really likes to play. He's pretty good and he's been trying to teach me, i usually lose- but I've won a couple times! Do you like to play?"

"I love it. My mom and me play all the time."

"Maybe we could play sometime!" Hinata cheered skipping slightly ahead, "Maybe. . ." Kenma didn't know he was smiling as he watched the hyper bow bounce around like a kid on a sugar high. Maybe this boy would be more then someone he just met one day, maybe he'll become his friend.

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