Chapter Twenty-Six:

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  Oikawa came down in the middle of the night to grab some grapes from the kitchen when he passed the livinging room where Kenma sat working on Atsumu's suit. He peeked around to watch the boy embroider the gold thread slowly but skillfully around the collar with only the soft light of the candle beside him, lightly humming to himself with a small smile over his lips. Oikawa sneered, "I don't want you to mess up because you decide to stay up late, remember if I find one stitch out of place you shall be punished. Now, fetch me some grapes from the kitchen, I don't want to go in there."

"Yes sir." Kenma carefully placed the coat on the armrest and scampered to the kitchen. Oikawa glances over the work on the collar, the fox half way down and even he had to admit that it look impressive. Not out loud of course. He snatched the bowl Kenma had brought and turned to leave when Kenma called out to him, "u-um sir?"

"What?" He groaned, not bothering to look back at the boy. Kenma too a deep yet shaky breath, "I was wondering if... if I would be allowed to go to the ball?" He asked making the man nearly drop his bowl. He was about to shout no at him but, a much better idea came to mind. He turned with a sly smirk, "Sure you can, only if you finish all your chores and all the sewing changes. You must have your own clothing- I'm not buying it for you it would be wasted. But if you do all that, your welcome to come."


"Sure." He smirked as he walked away, already making a long list of plans to make the boys week torture. And honestly Kenma should of known his stepfather was up to something, but he was to excited to notice the evil aura that floated behind Oikawa. Kenma worked with a smile on his face that stuck until he went back up to bed.

His eyes slipped closed as his head hit the pillow and he was whisked away into his dreams. When he opened them again  he found himself laying on a large green hill covered in flowers, the breeze swept threw his hair as he sat up. He wasn't dressed in old rags, he wore a soft white shirt and brown trousers, the green grass tickled his bare feet. The day was perfect, not to hot or cold, shining over the rolling hills that seemed to stretch for miles. He herd someone yell his name in the distance, "Kenma! Kenma hurry up! Were going to be late!" Hinata's hands wrapped around his hand to pull him up from the grass, laughter that sounded like pure silver bells to Kenma's ears. The sun shone down onto his orange hair, making his smile look as though he was an angel. "Shouyou slow down!" He felt so free, running down these hills with the red head like nothing in the world mattered. No responsibilities, no evil step family, no dead family- just them, together. It was perfectly content running down the emerald hill, even when they tripped and tumbled down the hill into a cool crystal river, soaked from head to toe and covered in broken flowers. Laughing so loud he was sure the whole world could hear- but he didn't care. His laughter died down as Hinata's picked some of the flowers from Kenma's long hair, gently placing them in the river to watch them drift away. When the flowers were removed Hinata's hand drifted down to cup his cheek, gently rubbing Kenma's flushed cheek with his thumb, a love sick grin on his face. "Your beautiful, you know that?" He whispered, making Kenma blush harder and a matching smile stretch across his lips. Kenma lifted his hands to cup Hinata's face and pull it close, their eyes slipped shut as lips brushed against each other, centimeters from pressing together. Just one little lean and they'd ki- "Arf Arf Arf!"

"Wha?" Hinata's faded away as Kenma blinked his eyes open, finding Tendou the devil dog standing right at his face. Tendou barked again and ripped away his blanket, scampering to the other side of the attic when he stopped Yamamoto hiding behind some boxes. The cats screeched, quickly running as fast as they could to avoid the rabid dog chasing them, "Tendou get out! Shoo!" He waved the dog back down the attic stairs, sighing heavily as he heard the dog crash at the bottom- no doubt breaking something. He slumped back onto his bed, bringing his fingers up to his lips, he could still feel the faint tingle of their kiss even days later. "Maybe Kuroo is right, i am hopeless." He sighed, pulling on his apron as he mulled over his dream in his head. The more he thought about the last few moments the more hot his cheeks became.

He set to work on breakfast when Oikawa came in with a rolled up piece of paper, "I figured you'd need a list to remember all the chores you need to compete this week since your not very bright. Here, don't lose this- the top half is things you must complete everyday while the rest must be done before Friday if you wish to come." He placed the role on the table and left, telling him to hurry breakfast as he pat Tendo's head. The red dog was smirking- Kenma knew he was as the dog flicked its tail as he followed his master. Unrolling the list it easily reached down to his waist, and it was covered end to end in small letters.

'-polish the silver
-do the laundry
-polish the shoes
-wash the sheets
-make the beds
-shine the gold
-wash the windows
-sweep the floor
-polish the banister
-clean the carpets
-weed the garden
-make dinner
-dust the entire house

  And that was barely even the everyday section. Kenma felt his once hopefulness fall to the pit of his stomach like a stone, "i should of known. . ."

Gamerella (Kenhina Cinderella AU) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu