Chapter three:

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Nine years passed and kenma grew taller- although compared to most he was pretty short. Kuroo grew like a weed and towered over the brunette.

Kenma has grown quiet and introverted over the years, moving farther and farther away from human interaction aside from Kuroo and his mother. His intelligence continued to grow, puzzles solved faster and he could beat his mother in chess. He was content with his life, everything was fine.

But his mother had grown lonely, the more she watched her son grow without a father to guide him broke her heart. Then one day while she was out shopping she met a man. He was tall and handsome, he acted like a gentlemen when he made her drop her basket. He offered to carry it for her. Oikawa Tooru has charmed her heart. He too had recently lost his wife leaving his two sons motherless, and was in search of a lovely women to help heal his heart.

Or that is what he had told her. Oikawa was a heartbreaker with a heart spoiled and rotten. He cared only for the women's riches. His last wife didn't die, she left him after years of manipulation. Taking all her money with her, leaving him and his sons with nothing. But this women was his key to get it all back. And five months later he asked her to marry him to which she agreed. So he and his two sons, Amustu and Suguru moved into the manor much to Kenma's dismay.

Amutsu Miya from his first marriage was tall with well combed blonde hair and broad shoulders. He was terrible selfish and rude, completely content with lying or using force to get whatever he wanted. But he was lazy and didn't care, he'd rather just play poker and smoke all day in his pajamas. Suguru Daishou from his second marriage was even worse, black oily hair forcefully layed over his thin eyes. He was spoiled and entitled. His favorite thing was going into town and terroringing the kids or gossiping terrible about people he found inferior- which was practically everyone. Terrorizing Kenma when their new stepmother wouldn't see became their new favorite hobby.

Kenma hated his new stepfamily, his new stepfather especially- but his mother was happy and he didn't want to spoil it for her. So he kept his mouth shut and head down, trying his best to be kind to his new family. Kuroo on the other hand wanted to knock out their perfect teeth the minute they met, Kenma had to hold him back after Suguru made a comment on his hair looking like a duck butt. So Kenma tried to stay around his mother as much as possible since they didn't pick on him then. They had to look good in front of her or she'd get suspicious.

But one morning during their daily game of chess Kenma got some terrible news. "Kenma darling, i received a letter from your grandmother. She's fallen ill and asked if i would come to see her since she lives all alone. Unfortunately i will have to leave tonight to make it to a ship in time to take me." Kenma heard his world crash. "H-how long will you be gone?"

"It should only be a few weeks- a month at most!" She stood from her chair and kneeled in front of him. "I know it will be hard to leave you so suddenly and with Tooru still being somewhat of a stranger to you. But you are so strong i know you can handle it and look out for this place while I'm gone. And maybe while im gone something amazing might happen." She cupped his cheek in her soft hand and kissed his head. "I promise I'll come back as soon as i can. And I'll bring you back something special."

"A-alright. Just hurry home quickly."

"I will. I love you more than anything in the world my kitten. Now I believe you were about to have me in check." They returned to their game but Kenma couldn't help but feel he was being watched with an unhappy glare.

Later that day as the sun was starting to set Kenma was helping his mother place her bags into their carriage for Mr. Naoi to take her to the docks. She was biding her stepsons and Okinawa goodbye, "Oh mother dearest, could you get me a green leather coat while your away?"

"Of course Suguru. Anything for you Atsumu?"

"A gold watch would be nice." He gave her a hug that was clearly forced. "I'll see what i can do. Goodbye Tooru, I'll be back soon." Oikawa brought her in for a kiss that lasted way to long in Kenma's opinion, so he turned away to pet the horse pulling their carriage. "I do hope so darling. Please send my regards to your mother that she gets better soon."

"I will." She gave Kenma a last hug and a kiss on the forehead before she got in the carriage. She waved as she drove away, with small tears in her eyes as she watched her son grow smaller in the distance, waving back with a small frown. It was always the hardest part of her trips was the leaving.

When the carriage was nothing but a black dot in the distance Oikawa and his sons one happy smiles turned smug. Their eyes turned to the smaller boy who was still waving, "Boys, go ahead and get started inside."

"Yes father." The two boys walked inside with wicked smirks on their faces, immediately heading towards the final room at the top of the stairs. Oikawa's sharp footsteps on the gravel path grabbed Kenma's attention, a gaze falling over his back that sent chills up his spine. He turned to his stepfather, brown hair fell over his gold eyes that had shrunk in fear. Oikawa stood over him with a dark aura and a smirk that could scare any man to death. That's when Kenma new his life took a turn for the worst.

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