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 5 Years later

“You look like you’re about to throw up,” John tells me nonchalantly as a smirk takes over his face. “Oh god please tell me you’re not going to throw up.” The smirk is soon replaced by a frown.

“Shut up! I’m really nervous, okay?”

“Why would you be nervous?” He asks, confirming my thoughts that he’s completely oblivious to my state of panic.

I take another look at the clock because honestly three to five minutes seem to be taking forever when all I want is for that time to be over so that I can get the answer to whether or not my whole life is changing.

“You’re kidding, right? This is a big deal, it changes everything. This test can mean that I’ll be a mom. A mom! Do you know how much work you have to put into raising a kid? What if Harry doesn’t want a kid? I mean when we talked about having kids he always said he wanted to have a bunch of them someday. But what if he meant ten years from now and he’s not ready for that kind of responsibility? What if this scares him away and he leaves me to raise this child alone? What if-“

“Geez Mia, stop talking. I hate it when you overthinking things so much. You and Harry have been together for over five years and married for almost one. He’s obviously gonna support you whatever the stupid test says. It’s his child too and besides you guys would make great parents. You’re like responsible adults and shit now.”

By ‘responsible adults and shit’ John means that Harry is a middle school English teacher who has way too many students swooning over him and I give guitar lessons. We don’t make a lot of money but it’s definitely enough for the both of us, I don’t know if we could give a kid everything he or she needs and that worries me. I’ve always wanted to be a mother, just not this soon. I thought that when the time came I would be more prepared, maybe have a better job.

Many things have changed since college but mine and Harry’s love hasn’t, if anything it has gotten stronger. My friends have gone on with their lives and even though we still catch up every once in a while it’s not the same. I’ve made a few new ones but I think I’m never gonna be the kind of person with a very active social life. I’d much rather spend my free time with Harry than with anyone else.

Even after all this time he’s all that I think about the majority of the time. Sometimes I’m speaking to someone and then realize that I’m actually not listening to a word their saying because I’m either thinking about memories that I have with him or about what I want to happen in the future.

Doesn’t matter what I’m doing. Whether I’m working or doing something meaningless there’s always something that makes me think of him.

Everything takes me back to him.

And every time I think of him I feel good. I feel relaxed, happy, loved… I feel like everything will be alright. No matter what happens, what challenges we’re forced to face, I believe in us. I believe we can make it through.

“I hope you’re right,” I sigh and finally look at the test.


10 years later

I remember being scared of finding out that test result. I was scared that I wouldn’t be good mother, I was scared that it wasn’t something Harry wanted, I was terrified that it was too much of a responsibility for me to take on at the time, I was afraid that I couldn’t give my child what they needed…

I had all these doubts and insecurities running through my head. I had all these thoughts mostly about how many bad things could happen and how I could possibly screw everything up.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

As it turns out I was pregnant and when I found out I called Harry so that he’d come home as soon as possible. I was so anxious that I blurted it out as soon as he walked through the door, which was probably not a good idea, considering it really caught him off guard. He was confused but as soon as he realized what I was saying he became the happiest man in the world. Somehow I think he was even more excited then than the day we got married and that’s saying a lot.

The day Arden Wilde Styles was born was a damn good one. Harry and I got the hang on the whole parenting thing pretty fast and soon enough we couldn’t wait to make new additions to the family.

Two years later Dylan was born and then followed his twin Zahra. Kai came into the world a mere three years after that.

Sure having four kids under the age of 10 isn’t the easiest thing to do but I wouldn’t change a thing. Being a mother is such an amazing thing, I never knew how much I loved kids until I had my own.

Soon I’ll be an aunt too which I didn’t think it would happen. John never really liked kids but I guess his wife must’ve changed his mind. After sleeping with Summer all throughout college something must’ve clicked in his head and he realized that he was in love with her and then after dating her for twelve years he finally man up and proposed to her.

He’s happy and even though Summer and I still aren’t the best of friends we get along better than we did before and I’m truly glad that they’re together.

 Life is funny that way, things don’t turn out the way we expect them too but that doesn’t necessarily mean that in the end it things won’t be alright.We’re not the same people we were back when we first met but I know that as long as we’re alive Harry and I will love each other and our kids.

I had a great time writing this story so thank you so much for supporting me. I want to thank everyone who took the time to vote and comment on my story, it really means a lot to me!

I'm starting another Harry AU and I already posted the prologue so if you'd like you could check it out. I'll probably write more detail into my next book, because I feel as if this one was a little bit rushed. Now I have a little more experience which hopefully will show in my upcoming work.

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