23. Guess it's alright

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I’m actually happy with the way my life is at the moment and that is rare. So rare. Usually there’s at least one thing that bothers me or saddens me, but right now there’s not any of that. All I feel is happiness.

This week has been pretty perfect. Classes are great; Michael and I have been meeting every morning for coffee and our friendship is better than any I have had before; John has been sleeping over; but the very best part of my week was Monday, the day Harry asked me on a date. Thanks to everything that’s going so well in my life I’ve actually managed to start writing again, not a full song yet, but at least it’s something, it’s a start.

“What are you going to wear?” Michael asks as he falls on top of my very tiny bed.

“I have absolutely no idea. What would be the appropriate thing to wear on a date? I’ve never been on a proper one.”

I admit that I may be having a minor freak out about the whole date thing. I just didn’t expect Friday to come so fast, I thought I’d have more time to think my outfit and everything else through. Luckily Michael offered to help me out. He’s the only one I’ve told about me and Harry and I’m thankful he’s so supportive.

He stands up to look through my closet and huffs obviously frustrated by what he’s finding. “Do you own anything other than jeans?”

“No, not really.” I smile sheepishly at him.

“He probably will be wearing jeans too, so I guess that won’t be a major problem. I’ve never seen that dude wear anything other than black skinny jeans,” he mutters still going through the options. “Do you at least have a sexy shirt or something?”

“Depends. What do you mean by sexy?”

“Definitely not what you wear to class. You wear too many clothes and I don’t know why, you have a really nice body.”

Well I may have a nice body but little does he know that I have a reason why I always wear clothes that cover it up. Sometimes I think I should tell him, because he’s such a good friend and he’s always on my side never judging me, but then I think back to all the people that have betrayed me before and end up not telling him anything.

“Honestly, I don’t think comfortable being too exposed,” I admit quietly.

“Why not? Harry obviously thinks you’re sexy with little clothing on.” He smirks and I almost regret telling him about what happened last Sunday, but I know he’s only trying to encourage me. “And he’s the only one you have to worry about impressing, right?”

“Yeah, he’s definitely the only boy on my mind.”

“Well if things don’t work out with Styles you should know you have other options.” He hands me pair of jeans and continues his search for a shirt.

“How would you know?”

I raise an eyebrow as I look at him.

“I may know someone who has a crush on you.” He shrugs and hands me a while blouse.

What? Who in his or her right mind would have a crush on me? I never show any skin and I wear almost no makeup. Besides I barely talk to anyone.

“If you’re trying to be funny, you should stop,” I warn him.

“I’m completely serious.” I look into his eyes to make sure and find nothing but honesty.

“Then tell me who.”

“He’s my friend, I can’t just tell you. If I thought there was a chance you might like him back then I would.”

He’s right. I’m too hung up on Harry to even think about someone else and especially not in that way. But I want to know who it is either way, I already know it’s a boy and they must be close; so it’s either Luke, Calum or Ashton.

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