34. Wonderwall

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Three weeks had gone by without much changing. Things are going well, my relationship with Harry is amazing, my friends are so fun to be around and they care so much for me, I couldn’t possibly ask for better people to spend my time with. But not everything is perfect. No matter how great life is, there’s always something off and at the moment it’s my relationship with my brother.

John hasn’t talked to me since we played soccer at Harry’s which is quite strange because this is the longest we have ever gone without talking. Even when he was away at college and I was home all of last year, we talked on the phone every day. I want to go back to the way things were but he’s been ignoring my calls and texts and I have barely seen him on Campus, when I do, he always runs the opposite direction, clearly to avoid me.

Thanksgiving is coming up and I have no idea what to do because you’re supposed to spend it with your loved ones but my brother isn’t speaking to me, all my friends are going home and I’m too afraid to ask Harry about it because he’s the only person I have left. Although I doubt he even celebrates thanksgiving considering he’s British, I hope he wants to spend it with me otherwise I’ll be all alone.

And these thoughts keep me up until 3 AM.


I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing which isn’t very pleasing, I mean its 8 AM. Who the hell calls someone at 8 AM when there’s no school and you can sleep in?

“Hello?” I answer the phone, my voice almost cracking since I’ve just woken up.

“Mia! Hi! It’s Hazel.”

Of course, it is. Who else would wake up this early on a freaking holiday?

“Yeah?” I don’t mean to be rude, but it’s kind of annoying to be woken up by a super enthusiastic morning person when you’re far from being one.

“It’s been so long since we’ve last talked.” Oh I wonder why. “I’ve missed our conversations. Anyways how are you doing?”

What conversations? We talked once or twice because you’re a nosy person who wanted information about my brother.

“I’m fine.”

“That’s great! I’m doing pretty well, too. Liam and I are stronger than ever before, I think he might even be thinking about proposing. Isn’t that incredible? I’m just so happy! So I heard about you and Harry. You guys sure look cute together. Do you think he’ll propose to you?”

God is she trying to make me hate her? Why does she sound so freaking happy and why does she always ask questions I do not want to answer? Maybe she just likes to make people uncomfortable or maybe she doesn’t even notice she does it.

“I…um…I don’t know. I mean...I don’t think so. Why would he? We’ve only been together for like two months, maybe even less.”

“Oh, it isn’t about time. My granddad proposed to my grandma after knowing her for only two days and fifty years later they’re still together. Beside I think you and Harry are hella cool together and you seem to soften him, he’s changed a lot since you guys started dating. I never thought I’d see the day Harry Styles fell in love, but he did. Who’s to say he won’t propose?”

I roll my eyes at her ramble. Harry and I are doing well and we’re in love with each other, but it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s going to propose to me right away. Maybe someday, though.

“So was there a reason you called?” I ask, trying to end this call as soon as possible.

“Oh right! So a few of us aren’t able to go home for the holiday and we wanted to get together, you know? It can get kind of lonely, so we thought we could have thanksgiving dinner anyways only not at home. It’s actually only Niall, Ally, Summer, John, Liam and I.”

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