25. Be alright

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“Maybe we’re just not right for each other.”

“Is that really what you think?” Ha asks frowning.

I hesitate cause I really don’t wanna have to say it, once I tell him what this does not only to us but to the people around us, then we can’t give it another try, because that would just be completely selfish.

It’s now the second time Harry and I’s thing has turned out the wrong way and both times, we were both sad and hurt and felt like a big part of us was missing, which would never have happened if we wouldn’t always want more, if we had just stayed the way we were, we would have never had felt that way.

We weren’t the only ones who suffered the consequences of wanting more though. Every time we fall out, John is put in the middle. It’s unfair of us to do that to him, just because we wanted to try and be something more, but we couldn’t make it work.

“Yeah, look at what this does to us, what this does to John. It’s just not fair to put ourselves and him through this, if this is most likely not going to work out.”

“Why do you think it won’t won’t work out? The way I see it we’re perfect for each other, I’ve never met anyone that would be as perfect fit for me as you are. Don’t you feel the same?”

Yes, I do. I’m pretty sure I feel it even more than you do.

“That’s not the point, Harry.”

“Then what is? I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want us, Mia. Stop thinking about all the things that could go wrong and all the people we could hurt, think about how great this could be, how good it would feel to call you mine,” he speaks with so much emotion lacing through his words, making me want to forget about everything else and just be with him.

“Do you want me to be yours?” I whisper afraid that if I speak it too loud he won’t want it anymore.

“So bad.”

It’s something so strange and so beautiful to have him being this honest towards me and I just want to give in to him, because I know he’s trying so hard.

“Does that mean you’ll be mine?”

“Yes,” he tells me with certainty, not even pausing to consider another option, he’s completely sure he wants to be mine just like I know without a doubt that I want to be his.

He gives me a small smile and I smile back making him extend his own.



“Yeah, where do we start?”

He’s smiling so big, it doesn’t even feel like he’s the same Harry I first met, the one who couldn’t even bothered to actually feel, but instead make other people feel bad about themselves with mean comments and sarcastic remarks. That Harry would never behave like this with me.

“I can take you on the date I had originally planned, I’ve got everything I need in my car”

I’m surprised he had an actual date planned for us, I thought he would just wing it and not give it any thought. I can only hope it goes perfectly, because god knows I can’t take any more heartbreak or disappointment.

“Sounds good to me.”


We drive for about 5 minutes before coming to a stop, which makes me very confused because we’re on campus.


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