33. The reckless and the brave

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I hear my name being called as soon as I step out of class and as much as I want to ignore everybody except Harry today, I know it’s not right to do. So I turn around and face my blond friend.

“Hey Luke,” I greet him quietly trying really hard not to let my annoyance show through. I have no idea why I woke up in such a crappy mood, I should be jumping around and feeling happy after I had such a great time with Harry yesterday but unfortunately I don’t.

“Mia,” he breathes is relief. “I’ve been looking for you.”

I stare blankly at him. “Oh. Why? Is something wrong?”

“No, everything’s great. The guys and I were wondering if you wanted to hang out. Since we kinda messed up the other day, we want to make it up to you. So you get to choose what we do.”

“You guys didn’t do anything wrong,” I speak as I shake my head. “I’m really not in the mood to hang out today though. Maybe we can plan for something for tomorrow.”

“Mia, c´mon we’re sorry. We’re just a bunch of idiots who have no idea what they’re saying most of the time, you should know that by now. Please just forget about what happened and come with us.”

“I told you I’m not mad, Luke. I’m just feeling tired and all I want is to go to bed. Tomorrow, okay?”

He looks at me with such a disappointed look in his eyes that makes me want to go back and just instantly say yes to his offer. “Please, Mia. We’re friends, right?” I nod. “Friends are never too tired to hang out.”

Someone’s a little pushy.

I smile because I love the fact that he appreciates our friendship so much, he’s practically begging to spend time with me.


He instantly grins and gives me hug before saying, “You get to choose what we’re doing. Choose wisely.”


“Mia!” Ashton jumps as soon as I enter his dorm room right behind Luke. I barely get a chance to look around before Ashton wraps his arms around me and then Michael and Calum do the same.

“Geez I know you guys love me, but please give me some space so I can breathe.”

They let go of me and I hear them mumble, “Sorry”. I sit down on Ashton’s bed and notice that there’s stuff thrown everywhere, it’s like he just takes off his clothes and never bothers to pick them up again. I try not to seem too put off by this, because I should already expect it since he is a teenage boy who once dropped a bit of ketchup on the floor and decided that it was okay to lick it so it wouldn’t go to waste.

I also take notice of his drums and find myself smiling at the fact that Ashton couldn’t live without them so he begged his mom to mail them. It’s nice to know that someone appreciates music as much as I do, even if I don’t play in public anymore I couldn’t possibly leave my guitar behind.

“So what are we doing, Mia?” Luke asks raising his eyebrows at me.

“Um… I’ve got no idea. Why don’t you guys give me options to choose from?”

“I wanna go see a movie,” Calum speaks excitedly.

“We’re not watching another f.ucking movie,” Ashton sighs in annoyance. “Seriously we watched one last week and you guys know that being stuck inside a theatre is like hell for me.”

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