"Hey sis!"

"Dentin!" Emma was up and hugging her brother, disappearing in his arms.

"Hey what about me?!" Kai was feeling left out.

"Oh get over here you!"

Kai picked Emma up and spun her around. Dentin went over to Skylar.

"Well I guess congratulations are in order Wes."

"Thanks Dentin. When did you guys get to town?"

"We've been here for a bit. Ran into Pup and her Mate outside the dinner about a week or so ago."

Ms. Emma smacked Xael on the butt for not telling her that her brother was back in the states. Xael gave her a side hug.

"Love you Grammy."

Kai shook Adam's hand and the two young Alpha's hung around the grill. Xael brought the others out more tea and went back inside, the elders took up seats as they let the young ones do all the work. Back in the kitchen, Xael started on the side dishes and a dessert.

"Em?" Dentin was still bothered by the fact that Xael had been crying.


"What's wrong with Pup, she looks like she's been crying."

"She has. Her boys joined the wild wolves today. The others came to lead them off."

"They did? Since when do wild wolves come for dogs?"

"Xael's pups aren't dogs Dentin, they're hybrids, mostly wolf by the looks of them. Since she's been back home, her boys have been spending a lot of time with them." Both Emma and Skylar didn't feel comfortable telling him everything they had learned about Xael, even though he was her uncle.

Next to arrive was Adam's dad, Great Grandma and her mom's parents. What perfect timing. Now that she was much calmer, Xael picked up on them right away and again was out front to greet them. She was excited that Adam's dad would get to meet her family and that her Grandparents on her mom's side would get to meet everyone as well. Xael was also excited that everyone would get to me an Old one as there weren't very many of them around. Going outside they were greeted like the others with hugs. Xael quickly linked Adam that his dad, great grams and her grandparents were there.

Joined by her Mate, Xael and Adam took them on a tour of their small cabin.

"Wow! This is really, really nice!" Adam's dad was impressed at how well everything was laid out. The Grandmothers were impressed at all the home canned goods that they had. Soon there was a commotion going on the back deck. Xael and Adam rushed to see what was going on. The Spirit Wolves were back, minus her pups. Now Xael was definitely confused with what was going on.  Adam's dad and Great Grams joined them. Taza ran up onto the deck, startling the others with his shear size as he went straight for the Old one and nuzzled her hand.  The deck boards creaking under his weight. Everyone had moved back towards the house and out of their way. Xael let them know that everything was fine.

"Oh! My sweetest Taza!!" She leaned over and buried her face in his fur, happy to see her dear companion once again she hugged him with all the strength she had. Xael stood with her hands on her waist as she linked her Grandfather.

{Ah pup, me and Ja'an wanted to meet the rest of the 'Family'.}

{Really!} Xael walked over to her wolf grandmother and gave her a hug. {Now the family reunion is complete!} She was so happy that they had joined them before the others arrived. Now it was time for Xael to introduce everyone.

First was her mom's parents. Her uncle Dentin was amazed that she was able to find them but Adam's Great Grams told them it was all the work of Spirit. Next was Adam's dad and Great Grams. After finding out how old sheSkylar, Dentin and Charles all howled at the pressence of an Old One to show her the respect she deserved. True to her nature, she giggle and did a little happy dance at the honor. Even the Spirit Wolves howled for her; truly it all made her day. Finally Xael introduced the Spirit Wolves.

Most of them had never seen one before and thought they were just legend. They were even more surprised when Xael referred to them as her grandparents. Her Wolf Grandparents apporached her mom's parents and linked them both.

{We've always wanted to meet you. Your daughter was a truly wonderful Mate and mother.}  As the large wolves both bowed in honor of them, they were still so awestruck that they couldn't repsond.

{Please know that all those responsible for their deaths have been dealt with. All of them.} The Alpha gave them both a knowing look. Charle's eyes widen.

"Y-you were the one fighting in the jail cell!!" The Great Alpha didn't say anything as he went back to his Mate's side.

Kai, still not believing what he was seeing or hearing reached out to touch Taza was standing next to him. Kai was large, even for an Alpha and seeing how Taza came up to his waist was unreal. Feeling the touch, Taza looked up at him and linked him.

{What are you doing young Alpha?}

"Holy shit they are real!!"

Everyone gave him a nervous laugh. Last but not least, they approached the old one and bowed to her as well. She was all giggles and smiles.

"Oh! I feel like a celebrity!"

{You should. It's not everyday we come across Wolfen as old as you. You have a very long life ahead of you.} If Ja'an was in human form she would have been smiling at her.

The Old One tried to link her back.

{Xael really is a hybrid, isn't she?}

{Yes and your great grandson has a secret as well. But that is for another visit.}

Another adorable little dance and the Old One clapped joyously at the events of the day. Xael smiled at her as she was given a wink. The Old One knew the truth at last.

To Grandma's HouseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora