You've come far...[57]

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|Civil War Arc|

Shoto's eyes were wide in shock as blur of purple landed in front of him and blocked the attack. The air around him had became warm, both him and Dabi now inside  a large Susanoo protecting them.


However, the girls eyes were focused intently on the the Nomu ahead.  Red. Everything went red. Her vision blurred as a flame curled in the pit of her stomach. The memories weighed down on her but instead of breaking even more, her heart was no longer empty, no longer cold. was hot with pure rage.

"Where's my father?!"

They turned him into...

"Don't worry, once the league is through with you, you'll end up just like him. You might as well kill me now while you have the chance or you'll regret it in the future."

But my fathers Susanoo before me had revealed the truth. Tears welled up in my eyes as my finger nails dug into the flesh of my palms as an image of my father flashed my memory.

A Nomu

In that moment, everything had became so much clear.

"So pick up your weapon."

I now know what needed to be done.

"And fight, you survive...and most of live."

And I was gonna finish this once and for all. Casting a look over my shoulder at the two males behind me, they both stiffened at the sight of my glowing bright crimson orbs.

"Get out of here, now Shoto."

Shoto's eyes widened at the girls firm command. A part of him wanted to stay and not leave her behind but judging from the look in her eye, if they stayed...they would surely die from the cross fire. So for once, he complied and quietly pulled Dabi whom had gone unconscious onto his back. With the state they both were in need, they both would hold her back and if he wanted her to survive this...she'd have to go all out. And given what happened last time she went all out, he doubted she'd be able to find her way home.

"When this is all over, I'll come find you."

I couldn't help the faltering in my eyes at his words. Little does he know...

"Go..." I softly uttered. Once I no longer sensed their presences within range, my eyes snapped back to the Susanoo I was currently holding off with my own. Advancing to stage three, I used infernal arrow at point blank range blasting the blue. Humanoid away. The Nomu flew back, crashing into hundreds of trees, it's Susanoo completely dispersed. After a moment, a stage four Susanoo came charging my way, sharp weapons in hand, causing my eyes to widen in nostalgia.


However, I reflexively advanced to stage four but I couldn't summon my blade enough into time to meet his own. Quickly I stepped to the side, narrowly avoiding his strike before letting my Susanoo's fist shoot out like a rocket to crash with his Susanoo's face. I didn't give the Nomu the time recover before following up with a swift uppercut, knocking it up into the air. Finally, I swung out my other arm, my Susanoo copying my actions, it's arm harshly hooking the blue Susanoo's throat and slamming it into the ground. Summoning one of my Susanoo blades, I went to stab down on the cracked Susanoo's face but my heart stopped in my chest as a large armored blue wind protected its face.

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