Soul Snare [19]

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As if on cue, Izuku's head pounded and he crumbled to the ground clutching his head. He could hear Eri calling his name but it was drowned out before silence. Izuku peeked an eye open to see himself no longer in the white void but now in a black one. And in front of him stood Iznami herself gazing at him hollowly

"Why..." He began, but the girl didn't answer.

"Im already delivering Overhaul to him, what more does the bastard want from me..." Izanami hissed, making Izuku flinch slightly but he froze as a voice sounded from behind him. She wasn't talking to him.

"He not only wants you to prove your loyalty but he also wants to see if you've really changed. If you're really willing to become a villain..."

Izuku looking behind him slowly to see a woman whom looked eerily similar to Izanami herself with longer silver hair, adorned in a black cloak.

"What does he want me to do..."

W-Whats going this...a memory...

"You must rid him of his greatest threat. That boy, the one who will proceed the symbol of peace."

Izuku's eyes widened in shock at the conversation.

"" Izanami uttered completely taking Izuku by surprise.

"Izuku Midoriya is your security into the league. Dont be foolish as to think the road you will now take will end without sacrifice."

"I'll remain a fool forever then if it means a friend gets a to live another day."

Shi-Chan... For someone who had betrayed and killed him not to long ago, she sure wasn't acting like it.

After a few moments, the woman sighed, "There is another way but it is risky. A special move of mine that I had cultivated with my storage quirk. It's an extremely dangerous move that allows the user to transport a soul to the storage realm as means to stall death...if the outer body receives immediate care in under a certain span of time, then it will work successfully but if you plan to initiate something akin to a killing could do more harm than good..."

A scowl graced Izanamis face but the woman held her hand up, stopping the girl from speaking. "Susanoo's true master is All for One, however there is a way to trick Susanoo into shifting ownership. You must make Susanoo believe that Midoriya is it's master."


"His blood. It contains, the quirk genes for One for All. One for all was originally derived from All for One." It was as if a light bulb went off in Izanami's head her mouth parting in realization.

"How do you know all of this..."

"I've overheard Shigaraki mention it once while he was talking to All for One. It's the reason why that boy is such a threat, outside of All for One, Izuku Midoriya is the only one who can Control and bind with Susanoo. That is your Susanoo's ability, the ability to bind with the masters quirk."

A memory of himself controlling Susanoo during Summer camp resurfaced making Izukus eyes widen. That's why that happened... Izanamis quirk was already powerful as it was but blending it with One for all was godly.

"Is there a way to shift ownership..."

"From what I gathered, it's much similar to how One for All is passed, merely through exchanging DNA. However, since Midoriya is technically already Susanoo's master, all he needs to do is acknowledge that he's your master and the damage you've done to him will be void. As you already know, Any harm done to Susanoo's master by the host is void which means..."

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