Not Ok [59]

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Shigaraki hovered in the air for a moment, his eyes wide and jaw hung. It wasn't until his head slowly disconnected from his throat and gravity took its course. His body crashed to the ground with a loud thud, halting the fighting on both sides. The violent shaking of the earth had stabilized and was now peaceful.

Shigaraki was dead.

They had won.

The ones that were on Shigaraki's side either surrendered immediately or tried to retreat but were quickly apprehended.

"We won..." Izuku whispered but I wasn't listening.

I drifted out consciousness and then back in. The world was a blur, and my body had became entirely numb. My head was pouncing with a migraine and my body felt twice as heavy. Eyes drifting closed, I couldn't stop gravity from taking me as Susanoo disappeared and I was now falling.



I lay there quietly, keeping my eyes closed, matching my breaths to the beeping of the machines that surrounded the bed, the only indications of my heartbeat, my existence. My legs were numb. Screw that, my entire body felt like lead. Curiosity slowly pried open my swollen eyes to meet a dismal view of a magnolia colored hospital room, the door a navy blue.

What the...

It was like the left side of the room was nonexistent and all I could see was the window on my right.... Shadows of light and dark were all that my left eye could detect, other than that, there was nothing.

Panic settled into my being as I reached up pulling out the needles from my arm and the heart detected flatlined. Swinging my legs over the bed, I went to get up but a nurse burst into the room making reassuring gestures.

"Izanami, please relax—"

But I ignored her and approached the window and leaned closer to look at my reflection to what the hell was wrong with my left eye and why my vision hadn't returned. My heart fell to the pit of my stomach upon see the crimson of my left eye had been overtaken by a dull nerve wrecking light gray.

"The doctor says you've gone blind in your left eye." A voice spoke up causing me to stiffen.
"For how long?" I inquired.


I released a shaky breath and looked over my shoulder at the small mammal whom stood at the doorway. The nurse looked between me and Nezu for a second before awkwardly scrambling out of the room, "I'll give you two some privacy."

As soon as she was gone, me and Nezu stared at one another before I looked away begrudgingly.

"I'm sorry...Izanami...for what I said before."

"I wonder would've been better off if I had let the administration lock you away all those years ago."

"And for sending you was the only way to protect you..and it's not like I had any choice in the matter—"

"Did we win..." I interrupted stoically.

Nezu was silent for a moment before he nodded with a soft smile. "We did, thanks to you."

"What happens now?"

Nezu frowned, clasping his hands behind his back. "Those who helped us in the war with an exception of a few are being handled accordingly but due to their aid, the chief of police is letting the vigilantes go and the ones who escaped Tartarus have had their sentences decreased drastically with probation. The villain Dabi is currently being held at Endeavors agency, because of his lack of criminal record in comparison to the others and his identity, Endeavor has agreed to keep an eye on him. The funerals for the fallen will take place at the end of the week after Cementos and the construction companies repair Musutafu. As for you...well after everything that's happened, your status as a villain has been stripped and the chief of police also wants to give you a Medal of Honor for your bravery.

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