Murderer! [48]

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|Civil War Arc|

The car ride was silent, I could feel Aizawa's questioning gaze on me whilst we made way to U.A.  "What." I grumbled, casting a glance to the teacher whom looked at me intently.


I flinched at his apology, giving the tired man a bewildered look. "Why are you apologizing..."

"It seems...I've misjudged you, entirely."

My eyes widened slightly as the man looked out the window. "In the time that you've been my student, I've noticed that you've always had the tendency to...take the fall. As long as it was for the greater good, you always seemed willing to sacrifice more than the average teenage rising hero should. You were always so protective of your classmates, and secretly looking out for some sort of shadow hero. I found it strange how you never wanted them to know how much you cared but overtime I came to understand it. You remind me a lot of myself when I was younger." He mused, looking out the window.

I listened silently to the man as he spoke. "It's not bad to sacrifice things for the sake of those you love but there is a limit to how much one person can truly lose." He suddenly switched his gaze from the window to me. "Please, for your sake...don't underestimate that limit because a person becomes truly dangerous to themselves when they have nothing left to lose." Just from the way Izanami carried herself, Aizawa could always tell she had been forced to grow up at a young age, preventing her from enjoying and experiencing things girls her age should experience. Because of this, Aizawa had no doubt that the young girl overestimated her mental stability. From how she responded to the reporters questions earlier, Aizawa knew she was a ticking time bomb. The only thing that concerned him was when she would blow up.

"..." My mouth parted slightly in shock at his words. "And here I was thinking you'd be team off with my head."

"I can't say I approve of what you've done thus far but I understand it. You had to do what you had to do. For someone so young, I'm surprised you've made it this far."

"Thanks..." I murmured, secretly being grateful for his understanding. All the adults these days had ever done was judge me and ridicule me, even Nezu had his fair share but I was surprised that Aizawa of all people understood me. It gave me a little hope that if someone like him could understand me then maybe the others would.

"How have...the others been?" I inquired curiously.

"Hanging in there. Things haven't been the same since you left. I should warn you that some of them won't be as forthcoming with your return as others. You've hurt a lot of people, Izanami..."

"I know..." I uttered in acknowledgement.

An image of a small girl with a horn appeared in my mind, causing me to shift my attention to the shaggy haired male. "Eri..."

"About that," He started, causing me to tense.
"Back then, Eri gave us a name. Erina Kirisaki."

The name made me stiffen causing his eyes to narrow, "A baby 16 years ago was taken from the hospital by its father. The authorities looked into and discovered that the father was the Reaper, your father. I've heard around that your mother Asuna whom changed her name was actually in town around the time you went rogue...because of her former ties to the Yakuza, she went undercover." Aizawa paused, staring intently into my eyes, "I always wondered why you took Eri that day. Despite the fight you put up, it seemed strange as to how easily she fell into our hands."


"Nezu had said he had been tipped off anonymously as to where Eri was held at...I'm assuming it was you...but why. If your mission was to infiltrate the league, why did you infiltrate the Yakuza...The same organization that held Eri captive...Eri Kirisaki..."

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