Farewell [42]

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|Crossover Arc|

"This war you speak of, when will it come?"

We had returned back to the others and my conscious was clear after speaking with Hana.

Dabi peeked an eye open, with curiosity plaguing his turquoise hues. "So you're betraying the league?"

I shook my head, maintaining a stoic facade, "Look around you, stitches; we didn't sign up for this. Besides," I crossed my arms, giving the male a knowing look, "Don't act like you don't have your own agenda. Hell, every member including Shigaraki has their own selfish reasons for being in the league. You heard what Wraith said, I get fucking yeeted by an All Might fan boy and you and the others become Shigaraki's bitch. I don't know about you but I'm my own bitch, not anyone else's. "

This was exactly what my father had tried to keep from happening.

"Believe it or not, Dabi you're the one who starts the war."

All of our eyes widen in surprise, shifting to the scarred male whom seemed just as surprised as we were. "Huh..."

"It doesn't matter, one way or another you will start the war and it's riding on Izanami or Hana on who will be victorious." Wraith answered.

What does she even mean by it's riding on us...what exactly will we have to do...

"I don't understand how our Hana is involved in this equation if you said it yourself that she is not like the other Hana's. Why should we be worried about the outcome of this war if she's not the bad guy." Joke piped up.

"At the end of the day, It doesn't matter what side you're on. You can win a battle but still lose the war. When all is said and done, everything will bottle down to one decision. A decision BOTH of you will have to make in order to determine who will win. My Izanami made the wrong decision...and she paid the price, society paid the price. This war can not be won without either of you but can also be lost with you. In the end, it's up to you."

"Kami, lady what the hell is with you and these damn riddles." I hissed.

"I agree, why can't you humans be more specific." Hana stated bluntly.

Wraith merely chuckled in response before ushering toward the portal from before we had passed through. "It's time we get you back to both of your worlds."

"Finally."  Dabi grumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets and walked right back through the portal. I rolled my eyes at the males antics before following suit with the others. Before we knew it, we were back in Hana's world.

"Kami I'll never get used to that." I overhead Kirishima whine.

I had to squat down and massage my head lightly, trying to ease the nausea that passed waved through me as I passed through the portal whilst Dabi was up chucking in a bush nearby. I stiffened as a hand appeared in my vision causing me to shift my attention up at the pinkette. I glanced at her hand and then back at bet before taking my hand and letting her pull me up. "Sorry about the mask." She smirked in regard to my mask that was probably long lost by now in the ruins of the forest.

I replicated her smirk, glancing at her other arm that had yet to finish properly healing. "Sorry about the arm." I retorted in amusement.

Samurai |BNHA|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon