Susanoo Smash [58]

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|Civil War Arc|

Racing against wind and time, I flew across the ocean, blood trailed from my strained eye endlessly as Musutafu's silhouette revealed itself in the distance.

I trailed the coast for a minute, ignoring the sound of Musutafu's emergency alarm as chaos ensued throughout the city, citizens trying to desperately flee the soon to be war zone. Finally, my eyes landed on the rendezvous point, catching sight of two figures waiting outside of a sewage exit that spilled into the ocean. Quickly deactivating Susanoo, I landed in front of the two boys, clutching my bleeding eyes, panting heavily. "You made it." Dabi uttered in slight relief. His burns had now been patched up and weren't as bad as before. "Stains this way." He jerked his head over his shoulder, toward the large dark sewage cave before us.

I nodded in greeting and went to take a step forward but my legs buckled suddenly underneath me. My breath hitches as arms caught me, and held my exhausted form upright. "Are you sure you want to do this? You don't have to fight..." Shoto murmured.

"I want to fight..." I breathed out, shifting my tired crimson orbs up to meet his own eyes. "I have to end this..." Shoto frowned at the girls disturbing conviction but snaked his arm around her waist and threw the other around his shoulder.

My nose scrunched up at the putrid smell, the sound of our footsteps smacking against the sewage water as Dabi led the way.
"Have you told Stain about Shigaraki..."

"Yeah, thats the only reason why he's willing to meet. Given the circumstances, you have some convincing to do if you want him to back you."

My brows furrowed in thought at his words. I had no clue how I was gonna convince the Hero Killer to help the Heroes. Not to mention, Me and Shoto are a part of the reason why he got caught and sent to Tartarus... A memory of Hosu flashed in my mind.

"Did you know." Shoto asked quietly causing me to tune back into reality in confusion.

"Know what...?"

"Who he was..." He answered, his intense gaze on the Dabi's back. "I found out during the prison break...and well given what happened after I came back...there wasn't really a best time for me to pull you to the side and say 'hey, the guy that tried to kill you and your dad is...' I trailed off not necessarily sure what relation Dabi had to him.

"My older brother. We thought he had died in a fire long ago."

I cast a subtle glance to Dabi ahead, "Well if there's anyone who's knows anything about long lost relatives coming back from the dead, it's me. Word of advice, be careful and don't get your hopes up. Whatever answers you plan on getting, get them soon because he may be here now, but he might not be here later to answer them."

Shoto's eyes narrowed slight before giving the silver haired girl a peculiar look. Despite everything that's happening, she still remained calm but he knew that what was on the outside was nothing but mask. And although she may have seemed fine now, he couldn't imagine what was going on inside.

From what he remembered, he didn't know that much about her biological family other that her notorious father, the Reaper.

The one she inherited Susanoo from...

"That it..." Shoto saw the slightest crack in her facade, giving him her answer.

"Did you...kill him...

"It." Came my sharp reply causing concern to brew in his being.

"I killed it." I put emphasis on the it, averting my crimson orbs elsewhere. It was just as my father said...

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