Bring her Back... [22]

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My sister....

The little girl that stood before me was my sister.

The sister whom I stood by and watched get torn apart for my own selfish reasons. For the greater good.

Eri was my sister...

My family...

"Heh, now you see...all along, that wretched mother of yours has been playing you. You think she cares about you? You're nothing but a pawn in her game. It's what she does best, she manipulates people to avoid getting her own hands dirty."

With each word that Overhaul spoke, a piece of my heart cracked as I stared at Eri. The only question running through my mind was...


"You think you're some hero but you're just like your mother. You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers. You pretend to be separate, to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors you commit. But they are part of you. And they will never go away. That's why you're doing all of this isn't it?"

"I may not have known you long but I've done my research on you and how you are treated. Even in Ginzu hadn't happened you've always lived in your fathers shadow, paying for his sins, even're still on the receiving end of your fathers debt. Aren't you tired of it...tired of the judgement..."

"Urusei." I uttered.

"And now look at you,"

"Urusei." I uttered, standing up, the hilt of my katana appearing in my hand startling Eri and causing the girl to back away.

"Your childish desire and longing for family and acceptance has made you blind. Pathetic. Weak."

"You are weak, that is why you lose."

Shut up...

"Poor little Izanami. Abandoned by your father, used and discarded by your mother, and now despised by your very own sis—"

"URUSEI!" I barked, cutting the man off, going to plunge my blade into the Villains heart but the small pressure of arms wrapping around my calf made me halt.

"STOP!" Eri cried out, tugging with all her might on the hem of my hero costume.
"P-please just stop it..." The young girl whispered, her crimson hues gazing up into my own crazed eyes. I stiffened upon catching a reflection of myself in her eyes. In that moment I was reminded of my father. Chisaki was wrong, I wasn't like my mother...I was both her and my father combined. And that terrified me.

"IZANAMI!" a sudden voice interjected and immediately I activated the second stage of Susuano, the force of it actually blowing Eri away but the girl gasped as a skeletal hand caught her body.

My expression was now masked as I stared calmly at the broccoli haired boy, his eyes blazing with conviction. His charged up leg had came in contact with the palm of Susanoo's other hand, blocking the attack. After a few seconds though, the skeletal hand began to crack and Susanos hand crumbled to the ground. He's gotten stronger...

Izuku jumped a good distance away, millions of  unanswered questions pooling in his mind now that he was face to face with the real deal. This wasn't an illusion or memory.  This was the real Izanami.

"You just don't know how to die do you."  The silver haired female muttered causing Izuku's to grit his teeth.

"We both know if you really wanted to kill me, I wouldn't be standing here now."

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