I promise [3]

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I soon reached my room and collapsed on the bed, releasing a scream into my pillow.

Kami it's like each day here gets more frustrating?!

I internally cursed myself for arguing with Momo. Despite our differences, I hated arguing with her, all it ever did was stress me out and make me realize how trash my temper was. Turning my head, I look at my desk where a line journal rested. In that journal housed all the research and information my father had left behind on the league. They've gone quiet ever since All for Ones battle with All Might...

As if on cue an image of the leagues leader drifted into my thoughts. Tomura....
A knock brought me out of my thoughts but I stayed silent. The sound of my door opening and shutting. "Leave me alone Shoto, you know I don't like talking when I'm angry."

"Were you expecting half ass. "

My shoulders tender as I snapped my head up and my crimsons orbs clashed with another pair. "Bakugou..."

He walked further into my room and took a seat at the end of the bed, his expressionless eyes gazing at the ceiling. "I overheard what happened."

A silence coated the air between us as as I brought my knees to my chest, staring at him silently. "If that's the case please spare your vocal chords Katsu before we have a renactment of our middle school brawl."

Bakugo's lips quirked up slightly at the memory but frowned as a question loomed in his mind.

"When I was taken, their leader had asked me if I wanted to join them..." A memory of him being tied to that chair made his brows furrow in anger at his past helplessness. "I haven't told anyone their offer because most people would have expected me to accept it. But then again not everyone is what they seem, right? I had practically told them to piss off because and I knew what I wanted to be."


"Considering what I heard, the league is after you now too. I have no doubt that guy would've made you the same offer if you were captured too so I just wanna know." Bakugou shifted his head to gaze the snow haired female, hoping her answer wasn't what he thought it was. Tensions between her and the others were more higher then ever and with everyone trying to make Izanami out to be a villain, Bakugou was deep down worried. Him and Izanami never talked, they mostly expressed everything with their fists in an old fashioned brawl. But he knew right now wasn't the time for that. He wanted to talk to her but even he could see the invisible barrier between them when it came to that stuff. Not only did it piss him off that she was keeping so much from him but because he just couldn't seem to blast his way past it. Bakugou was used to blasting his way through everything. But for once...he couldn't.  If he couldn't even reach her then no one could. And that terrified him. He felt useless.

"I love you both...with every fiber of my being."

"From here on out, you won't ever have to be alone in this. As your samurai, I won't ever let it happen again ya hear?!"

"Would you have accepted his offer...?"

I was at loss for words, bewildered by this new side of Bakugou. I couldn't help but avert my eyes, a flash of guilt in my hues knowing he knew the answer whether I replied or not. Deep down I wanted to say no, that I was above being a villain. I mean that was why I was here right, to prove that I wasn't the bad guy. To right my wrongs...

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