A date [5]

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On god y'all not bout to sleep on this improved edit I did of Izanami. 🌞

Finally a day off. I mumbled lowly, sitting outside letting the wind hit my face. The week had been nothing but stress and drama, filled with awkward silences whenever me and Momo were in the same room and me avoiding not only Bakugo but my guard dog too. Well at least attempting to...Currently I was actually ignoring Shoto whom was giving me the stink eye for not telling him about the villain thing.

Shoto frowned as the silver haired girl peeled her eye open then reclosed it, basking int the days weather from the bench she lounged on. His talk with Midoriya was anything short of useless as the freckled male refused to give him any information on what happened on that mountain. If anything Midoriya seemed to be more terrified of what Izanami would do if she found out he had confessed what he knew.

"Gomen Todoroki-San but even if you are Shi-Chan's bodyguard, anything else that wasn't mentioned last night should be revealed by her...A lot happened on that mountain and I can tell her mood has been off lately since then...I don't wanna break her trust and I don't wanna make her more annoyed much less receive a broken nose. Maybe you should try asking her..."

"You gonna stand there and glare at me all day." Her voice broke him from his train of thought. Todoroki wasn't gonna ask why she hadn't told him she was in danger or even what happened on the mountain. He had known Izanami long enough to know that she was stubborn. Despite the severity of the situation she was safe and sound and that's all that mattered but still his worries were high.

"In the near by future, I fear...that Izanami may defect from U.A."

After a few seconds of silence, I grew uncomfortable and scowled. "Look, I get your worried Shoto but honestly everything's fine now—" My breath hitched as my eyes snapped wide open. His hands were on either side of my head, gripping the bench beside me. His face was but only a few inches in front of mine, stern and of course oblivious of his proximity.

"Stop lying to me."

"..." My eyes faltered as he seemed to stare into my soul. The longer he gazed into my own crimson eyes the more my walls seemed to come down. Distress filled my hues as everything's that's seemed to happen thus far took over.

"Ahh there you go sweeping vital information under the rug just like with what happened at Ginzu."

No matter how much I tried to repent my sins, even if I faced them; they'd always haunt me. How was I supposed to let the past be the past and be better when the past was constantly brought up.

"How do you expect me or any of us to understand if all you do is shut us out Izanami?!"

"Because anytime anything about my life is revealed, I'm made out to be the fucking bad guy!"

It wasn't no secret, that I was slowly but surely being outcasted but then again I guess I couldn't complain. It was what I wanted after all. But still...it hurt. Much more than I expected.

"Are you kidding me, how can you still defend her after she practically said she couldn't care less about any of us the other day?! She's not a hero and she's not your friend!"

But then again, I guess the truth did hurt. I wasn't a hero much less a good friend.

"I just..."

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