A mothers love...[56]

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|Civil War Arc|

I listened to the child's screams, unable to move an inch as it felt like my feet were bolted to the ground. But it wasn't just any child's screams, it was her screams...


I watched him tear and destroy her apart over and over again.

"Don't look away, Izanami."


But as the sound of blood splatter kept reoccurring like a broken record, slowly but surely, my mentality had diminished as I relived one of my many regrets over and over.

Gomen... I mentally cried out as my sisters cries rung loudly once more in my ears. Someone please...help me...

But if course, my prayers fell on deaf ears just as they had been for however the hell long I was stuck in this nightmare. But I guessed, I shouldn't have been surprised...

It's the least I deserve after everything...

Purgatory made Tartarus look like nothing but a daycare. The last thing I remembered since the trial was being taken away and knocked unconscious. Probably because Purgatory didn't exist...least not in our reality. What I was seeing now was nothing but a nightmare, or more a memory. Memories I was forced to relive over and over again. And the only person who could wake me up from this nightmare was myself. But see that's just it...

"P-please stop—"

What if I didn't wanna wake up.
What if I to stay in this nightmare.
It was the least I deserved for all the pain and suffering I caused.

"What would you know huh?! You're just trying to suck up to me so I won't try to run away again but in reality you're a murderer just like him. You're no different then him!"

What if they were all right...

"I know...I'm not the hero you deserve...but please....trust me and just hold on a little while longer for the ones you do deserve."

What if I was a monster...
A murderer...
a villain...

And in the end...what if Wraith...Hana...Izuku...Shoto...Ryuko...
Everyone who ever believed in me was wrong?

Maybe...this is where I belonged all along...
Locked away...

"In order to appease the public...you will do imprisonment until this war you speak of is won..."

They don't need me...

My vision became blurry with tears as once again as her blood splattered once more on the window sill. I could see my mother's apparition out of the corner of my eye which made the memory all the more painful knowing what I knew now.

You're ok...

Her shrill scream echoed once more followed by another blood splatter.

"Don't look away, Izanami."


Samurai |BNHA|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ