Flaming trash [34]

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The pro heroes were taken back as there in front of them stood a mere teenage girl in a thigh high, thick black, turtle neck, sleeveless, one piece. Under the bust of was a scarlet sash and a smaller gold and Susanoo purple sash on it tied around her waist. Her thigh was wrapped with bandages and clasped to it was a small black pouch. Finishing her villain outfit, was a pair of above the knee fish net socks and almost knee length black open toed boots. Also accompanying the look was a simple yet dangerous katana that everyone knew she could use quite well. Little do they know...

Her face was hidden by a gray animalistic mask with simple crimson designs.

"What are you doing here?" Dabi inquired stoically, his attention now fully on the girl next to him.

"I owed you a favor, I thought I'd come to deliver it." The girl replied nonchalantly.

"Stay out of this, freak."

It took the masked girl a few seconds for the males insult to register in her mind before irk marks appeared where her forehead would be on the mask. "Excuse me, is this how you thank someone who's here to save your ass."

Dabi glowered at the girl in annoyance, "If I wanted your help I would've asked for it."

"I dont know if you forgot, but we're partners now and it's my job to have your back when you go and do stupid shit. And from where I'm standing, this qualifies." I crossed my arms, matching the males anoyance, completely disregarding the pros.

"O-oi what are we chopped liver now—" Mirko went to interrupt the pair's conversation.

"Dont." Endeavor grunted lowly, his good eye staring at the masked girl intently. Despite her face being concealed, everyone knew exactly who she was, and that made the heroes hearts quicken anxiously, especially now that it was 2 on 3 and 2 of the 3 would only hold Mirko back in their current states. Endeavor and the other pros had seen how she fought during the sports festival, Izanami Shi may have been a kid but she wasn't a kid to take likely.

"You coming here was pointless but since you insist on stuffing your nose in my business, how about you make yourself useful and get rid of Hawks and Mirko for me while I deal with that flaming pile of trash, little girl." Dabi shifted his head back in the heroes direction as if he had just offered to take a stroll through the park.

The heroes stiffened as Susanoo's cloak flickered and a dangerous aura surrounded the masked girl. Hawks raised his feather in defense, Endeavor clenched his jaw but managed to light his fist aflame, and Mirko placed herself in front of the two still weakened heroes. Shit those two against us...Dealing with Dabi was one thing but the new villain Ronin was suicide.

However, the Ronin didn't attack them and instead turned her head directly towards Dabi.
"Call me little girl...One.More.Time." Dabi's lips upturned slightly and he turned his head and leaned down just a bit so he was at eye level with her mask.

"Just because you're a little girl doesn't mean you have to be annoying like on—"

And just like that her quirk activated to stage two and Susanoo's hand shot out grabbing the villains body tightly. Despite his position, Dabi merely grinned tauntingly but before he could utter a word, his body was crushed which made the publics eyes widen in horror at the scene. It seemed the league didn't have the same sense of comradeship the heroes had.

"W-what the—"

"Did she just kill Dabi?!"

"Isn't she on their side?!"

"What's going on?"

Questions rung through the public trying to make sense of the scene.However, what they thought was blood was actually the same mud like substance from before. Nezu whom was watching from his hospital room didn't know whether to be disappointed or relieved that the girl hadn't actually killed someone even if they were bad on live television. I see her temper is still in tact...

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