Kirishima? [37]

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"Ugh, where is this stupid hatch!" I snapped as it was the next day and we had still yet to find the hatch to this facility.

"Why don't you just let me do the navigating?" Dabi offered but I held the map out of arms reach, giving him a lethal glare. "No, there's no point." I hissed. Turning my back to him, I continued walked forward, switching my glare to the map. "The entrance should be right-" I release a surprised shriek as the ground underneath me disappears. Thankfully, the fall wasn't but a few feet. I massaged my sore ass, and looked around to see I was in a hallway with dull lit lamps on the wall.

"You alive down there?" Dabi peeked his head over the hole I had fell through.

I rolled my eyes and pushed myself up, dusting my attire off. "Yeah, I think I found the entrance."

"Finally." He grumbled and I stepped aside to let him land next to me. "Alright then, let's find this Wraith chick. If the power is on down here, then someone must be here or at-least close by."

I nodded silently and we looked both ways before shrugging and walking to the left down the hall. It took us a minute but we also reached a large laboratory area of sorts. The room was composed of two areas. One area had a bunch of medical computers and equivalent, along with a weird trolley that had a bunch of knives that were stained with what looked like dried blood. The fourth wall consisted of a transparent door separating us from the other room and a heavy duty chair with straps.

"Over a century ago, my master had a special project in mind but unfortunately the test subject did not survive and things did not go according to plan. The facility brings back unpleasant memories. Fortunately, he later had the luxury of encountering your father whom then met your mother and thus the great Ronin was born."

"I wonder what they were testing down here."

"Beats me." Dabi retorted, spinning around and exiting the room.

I rolled my eyes and let him do his own exploring whilst I walked around the room.
Coming to a stop in front  of one of the old computers, I reached out and turned it on. Surprisingly, it flickered on which made me jolt
away, staring at the screen as if it were some alien. After a few seconds, I approached the technology but my shoulder slumped upon seeing the login prompt. Yeah, I'm not gonna be able to figure that out. I sweat dropped and I looked around some more before I found an old discarded voice recorder. Picking the recorder up, I clicked play and my brows furrowed as a voice began talking.

"My name is Kyudai Garaki, and I am the lead doctor or this operation....Operation Nomu. This marks day one."

My brows furrowed as I walked out of the room in search of Dabi whilst listening to the recording. "The subject seems to be responding well to the treatment so far. A copy of the regeneration quirk has been given and we hope to start regeneration testing soon."

I continued listening to the recordings, as the days got longer and longer the recordings got more eery.

"Day 567: the subject now has a total of 3 abilities now, super enhanced speed, super enhanced strength, and extreme super enhanced regeneration. Due to... extreme testing, the subjects regeneration has surpassed our expectations. Mutilation and dismemberment are now no longer a factor. We have yet to test beheading but it will be a while before we execute that testing. However, the subjects vitals are good but her mental state requires further observation. We hope to test run the subject soon."

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