A tug on his arm got him to stop. He looked down to see her small frame clinging to him. She was pouting. It was adorable. Aries sucked his teeth again. "Sag. Let go."

"Not until you show me how to get my powers."

Sighing, Aries huffed. "Fine. Follow me, sidekick." He chimed, strutting back outside into his spacious backyard. "You want some pointers? I'll give you some."

"Sidekick?!" Sag yelled, running after him. She threw a punch and Aries caught it easily. "I'm not your damn sidekick, Lizard Boy."

"Oh yeah?" Aries returned the wicked smirk Sag sent his way. He knew his fangs were showing but he didn't care. "I'm on top, baby. And stop fucking calling me Lizard Boy. I'm a dragon."

"Bitch, you got scales. So do lizards. The nickname writes itself." Sag pried herald free, shrugging. "And who said you were on top of anything, big guy?" She poked his bare chest again, a cute eyebrow raised.

Aries grabbed her hand and leaned down, kissing her quickly on the lips. Sag got the message, grabbing his face and kissing him back. When Aries grabbed onto her pants, she pulled away, smirking. "Oh no, Lizard Boy. You gotta earn that. Now come on, let's go for a fly! Maybe the wind'll rejuvenate my senses or something."

Aries didn't think so, but he'd take any excuse to hold her. She skipped away from him, before Aries playfully tackled her and spread his wings. It was much easier now, his wingspan stretching in a single, fluid motion. Nothing like the first day he changed. In seconds, he was soaring in the air, Sagittarius laughing in his arms.

Flying was one of the first things they practiced together. Sag said she wanted to fly, and Aries made damn sure he learned it for her. He practiced for hours, slamming into trees so hard he knocked them down. Now, he's still a little shaky, but much more stable. Sag isn't holding on as tightly as the other day.

They zipped between the trees, their laughter filling the air. Aries had a large wingspan, but he was getting used to bending and twisting his wings to maneuver himself through the woods. Until he hit a branch, making him and Sag both crash to the ground.

They tumbled, Aries clutching Sag so he took the force of the fall. When they landed, Sag was in his lap and they were both breathlessly laughing still. Aries's hair was in his face and Sag was laying on his chest. She smelled so nice, her natural forrest scent mixed in with his body wash. It was heavenly.

"Don't die on me, Lizard Boy!" Sag lightly slapped his face. She was straddling him now, smirking down, inches away from his face. "You good?"

"Pinche infiemro..." Aries mumbled.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?"

Aries smirked. I love being bilingual. "This." Aries grabbed her shirt and pulled her face down to meet his lips again. This time, she didn't stop him from grabbing onto her thighs.

Of course, everything heats up quickly. Aries' pants are barely riding on his waist, and Sag isn't wasting any time trying to pulling them all the way off. His sweaty arousal almost distracts him from the sudden, harsh pain in his neck. Almost.

He let himself glance down. Sag was sucking on his neck. She's gonna give me a hickey, sick. Weariness was hitting Aries, his horniness slowly morphing into worry. That's when he also notices that there's blood running down his neck. Sangre?!

"S-Sag..." Aries grunted, trying to push her off of him gently. When she didn't budge, burying her hard teeth into him, he let out a mangled cry, shoving her off of him and into a nearby tree. She slammed into it so hard, the tree broke inward.

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