"But Dr. Robbins' schedule is dictated by the unpredictable nature of childbirth, is it not?"

"Objection." Bailey spoke from the crowd, "Speculation."

The lawyer turned to the judge, "She can't do that."

"What?" Natalia looked at the judge, "Why not?"

The judge shook her head at Bailey, "You can't do that."

The lawyer resumed, "I asked if Dr. Robbins' schedule is dictated by the unpredictable nature of childbirth."

"Objection." Arizona's lawyer stood up, making Natalia hide a laugh, "Speculation."

"Your honor," Callie's lawyer reasoned, "I'm asking an expert witness her opinion. It's only speculation if counsel is calling into question the expertise of this witness as Head of Fetal Surgery."

"Overruled." The judge spoke.

"Damn." Natalia muttered, sinking back in her chair.

"Counselor," The judge nodded at the lawyer, "proceed."

"Dr. Robbins' schedule is unpredictable," The lawyer asked again, "wouldn't you say?"

"I-I guess." Natalia nodded, "Just as any other surgeon's, and Dr. Torres' schedule is dictated by the unpredictable accidents and stupidity of mankind--"

"Sure," The lawyer interrupted, making Natalia's eyes widen and the other doctors stifle a laugh, "but how many unscheduled emergency procedures did Dr. Robbins log over the past six months?"

Natalia stared at the lawyer for a second before answering, "...Do you think I have photographic memory or something? How would I know?"

The lawyer smiled tightly before turning back to grab a piece of paper, "I would like to introduce into evidence Document 2C." She handed the documents out to Natalia, Arizona, and Arizona's lawyer as the security guard gave one to the judge. Callie's lawyer looked back at Natalia, "Take a look. This might refresh your memory. What is that report, Doctor?"

"It's a list of emergency procedures performed by Dr. Robbins and Dr. Torres for the past six months." Natalia answered, flipping the pages as she looked through them.

"And according to that document," The woman spoke, "how many emergency procedures did Dr. Torres log in the past six months?"

"Um..." Natalia flipped through the pages, "Twenty-seven."

"Twenty-seven." The lawyer nodded as she repeated the number before pointing at Arizona, "And how many did Dr. Robbins log?"

"Mm..." Natalia flipped the page, "Ninety-two." Natalia whistled and looked at Arizona, "Impressive."

The lawyer nodded again as she repeated, "Ninety-two. Now, even for a surgeon, wouldn't you call that kind of schedule grueling?"

"I call it awesome." Natalia shrugged, making Callie facepalm as she regretted having Natalia a witness and the others chuckled, "But sure, you could call it that-- I wouldn't. I'd say it's wildly successful, but then again, I wouldn't put a woman's success in the con column."

The lawyer tilted her head as she looked at Natalia before reasoning, "What about her daughter, though?" Natalia frowned her eyebrows, "Ninety-two. Ninety-two times she dropped everything, Sofia included, to go to a job." 

"Oh, no." Meredith whispered, knowing the lawyer's words may hit a nerve in Natalia.

"Oh, yeah." Owen and Bailey whispered back. Bailey leaned back on the bench as she folded her arms around her with a smile, wanting to see Callie's lawyer get attacked with a Natalia lecture since she wasn't able to as the lawyer told the judge 'No further questions' before she could.

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