"Let's not forget," Callie noted, "it was you who told me to go."

"I did not say 'Go to New York, Callie. Take our child away from me.'" Arizona scoffed, making Natalia get up from the couch and move to the fridge.

She spoke as she grabbed a yogurt, "Can't you guys just remember what it was when you guys loved each other and Sofia and--"

"That time is clearly gone." Arizona chuckled, "She's with Penny and I--I'm--"

Natalia threw an unimpressed look towards the blonde as she closed the door, Callie seething with rage as she continued to glare at Arizona for having this custody battle, "Mark wouldn't want you to fight. He would--"

"He's gone, Natalia!" Callie yelled, clearly done with the two, "Mark isn't here--"

"I know!" Natalia shouted back, trying to get Callie to stop, "You don't think I know that?" Her tone of voice scared Callie and Arizona as she scoffed. It was the first time 'The Lion' was tame yet her eyes burned with anger.

Arizona's eyes widened, "Natalia--"

"No," Natalia's head flew to Arizona before she stared at the two with a mocking chuckle, "if you think I'm doing this out of my own benefit, you're wrong. I, honestly, couldn't care less about your relationship. I'm doing this out of a favor for Mark, and my niece who will be torn apart at the fact that you two are fighting. You think she loves to see her mothers fight? To see them literally fight over who gets to be there for her? Who gets to go to her dance recitals? Who gets to go to her science fairs? No." Natalia glared at the two, making them sink, "I'm doing this for them. I'm doing this for the caring mothers of Sofia who'd rather compromise than fight over her-- but who knows," Natalia shrugged, opening the door as she walked away, "maybe they're gone."

"This is stupid." Natalia repeated in a whisper to Owen as Meredith got off the stand, "I told them not to--"

"I'd like to call to the stand Dr. Natalia Sloan."

"I'm sorry, what?" Natalia voiced after a long pause of staring at the lawyer, looking at Callie and Arizona-- who both refused to meet her glance, making her scoff lightly.

"Don't let the 'Lion' out." Owen warned with a chuckle as Natalia got up.

"I might." Natalia told him as she walked away, not believing the two would use her as a witness since she told them she would be there for Sofia. 

"You're the Chief of Fetal Surgery." Callie's lawyer started, "Doctor Robbins reports to you for any fetal surgery cases."

Natalia nodded, "Yeah, that's correct."

"And for those of us who aren't surgeons, Dr. Torres operates on bones while Dr. Robbins operates on babies. Is that correct?"

"Dr. Robbins operates on fetuses and babies, so yep."

"How does the schedule of an orthopedic surgeon compare to that of a fetal surgeon?"

"I don't know I'm not an orthopedic surgeon." Natalia shrugged, "But I'm assuming it varies day to day."

"I see," The lawyer nodded, "but in your opinion, which specialty has more unscheduled surgeries? Ortho or Fetal?"

"There's no comparison." Natalia shrugged again, leaning back in her chair, making Bailey, Meredith, Webber, DeLuca, and Owen stifle a chuckle at her nonchalant mood-- seeing as that lawyer had made all of them flustered in one way or another with pressing questions.

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