Patience and Surprises

Start from the beginning

           Jealousy. That's what burning in my chest. Lovely. I'm jealous of a hokus pokas black cat and her boyfriend.

           "Stop stressing so hard. I know I was difficult with Brice, but he never gave up on me and he was always patient. Give him a chance, and stop thinking the worst." Syd tells me and I nod to myself as I check my watch, hearing the words that I've been repeating to myself.

            But damn if it's not a lot easier to say than do.

           I grab the trash for both of us, though Syd glares at the side of my head like I spilled her black nail polish everywhere, and throw it away. Since Elliot isn't here, I got paired with the Witch for the day, and though I adore her mean ass, I can't help but miss my Chain, even if things aren't going my way.


        After a long day of training, I walk out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my waist, unable to wait until I got home to do so.

        While no one else may think it, swimming in a pool where those dolphins do their business and eat is disgusting. I'm just glad I was able to leave before it was time to clean their tank.

         I walk over to my locker where I find Syd and Beth talking, reaching towards my locker to put in the combinations and pull the lock off. "You alright, Zay?" Beth asks me and I roll my eyes as I reach into my bag and grab my clothes, pulling in my briefs beneath my towel before I take it of. I turn to Beth with a deadpanned expression.

       "I can survive a day with Elliot, I don't need him. I'm perfectly fine." I tell her and a voice comes behind me that makes me jump a mile high. 

        "Well, I guess I'll come back later then." And when I turn around, face red and embarrassed, there's Elliot standing a few feet away with a small smile on his face. My mouth gaps open like a fish before he chuckles. "Meet me outside. I'll take you home."

       Every single cell in my body has died and come back to life as he nods to our coworkers and turns around to make his way out of the door.

         As soon as it clicks back close and I hear him a walking away I nearly faint as I melt and find myself sitting on the bench behind me. "What the fuck was that?" I ask out loud looking up at Syd and Beth. The Faerie looks wide eyed and her own cheeks are flooded from second hand embarrassment while the Witch just looks mildly amused.

       " It looks like he made his decision and you should fucking hurry!" Beth says and I jump off of the bench when I realize that she's right. I begin dressing myself quickly before I slow down as nerves and doubt begin to flood me.

        "Don't be a chicken shit, Zayvion. Hurry up and go. I want to know what happened now." Syd complains in her even toned voice.

        Sometimes I'm not sure if I love or hate that woman. Yes I do, I just chose to be the bigger person and not say.

         I finally manage to pull on the last of my clothes before I slide on my shoes and throw my bag over my shoulders. "If I don't show up tomorrow it's because I'm either in too much pain or because I'm in shock." I tell them as I begin to walk towards the door.

         "Send me proof or it didn't happen." I don't even have to say who called that out.

        With sweaty palms, I type in the time and clock myself out before opening the door and making my way down the hall. The faint scent of Lemon and Sage caresses my nose a bit, giving me a little bit of strength the seeps into my body.

        I think my body knows that we won't get to feed any time soon, if ever, and it's taking what it can get. Sounds familiar.

        I finally reach the reception hall and Ms.Wendy looks up to smirk at me making my already flaming cheeks heat up even more. "Well, seems like someone not mopey anymore." She says and I roll my eyes and blow her a kiss as I keep walking, too impatient and anxious to stop for a conversation.

      I hoping that since he's driving me home, that this is a good sign because he'll have come pick me up in the morning. Or he's just plotting to kill me to get rid of me once and for all. You know. either one.

        I open the door and walk down the sidewalk, finding Elliot leaning against a silver car with his hands in his pockets as he wait for me. This feels like a scene out of a movie, and honestly, the casting of my Chain is perfect. So fucking fine.....

       My thoughts are interrupted by Tyler as he catcalls next from the guard station.

       "Damn baby, I wish I was going home with you." He say and I can't help my laugh.

        "No one ever gets an invite twice." I tell him and he groans as I walk into the parking lot and stop in front of him with a red face as I realized I just flirted with someone in front of him, until I remember that his human ears are pathetic. Relief washing over me as Elliot looks down at my smaller form.

        "Come on, lets go for a ride."

        If only we were thinking of the same one.

Okay I love Zays mind. I wasn't sure what direction I was going with tonight's updates but as always, once I start writing it all falls into place. I might not get as many as I hoped done but I'm about to eat and maybe I'll feel better after.



QOTD: Syd or Beth?

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