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Ryan's P.O.V.

That night I slept on the couch while Sam and Dean took the beds. When I woke up and heard rustling then footsteps. I opened my eyes to see Castiel standing next to my bed. " Good morning Cas." I said. He didn't respond but instead leaned over. " Boop." He said while poking my nose. He stood back up and walked over to sit at the table. I blushed and got up to get dressed. I changed in the small hotel bathroom which was Crap like almost every other hotel. The outfit of today was; a green day shirt with Black jeans and Black boots. Grab my hoodie and beanie and I'm good. I walked back out to see Sam laying in the middle of the floor while Dean and Cas where looking at a map. Since they were busy I went over and layed on top of Sam's stomach. " oof, you may be small but you're still 15." he said while moving a little. " Speak for yourself sasquatch." I said while standing up and putting my phone in my pocket. Sam got up to get dressed while I flopped onto the couch. I closed my eyes and thought of what the boys were going to teach me today. I got the feeling of someone watching me and sure enough Cas was standing next to me. " Ryan are you okay?" He asked while tilting his head slightly. " Yeah why?"  I ask while sliding my legs off so he could sit down. " Well because when I got here this morning I heard you whimpering before you woke up." he said. It's not like I was having a nightmare or anything. " I don't know I wasn't dreaming about anything." I said. That wasn't true of course because Cas's blue eyes were burned into my mind all day. I closed my eyes and hit my head on cas's shoulder and started making a sound that was like a dying goat. " Dean, I don't understand what's happening." Castiel asked Dean extremely confused. " It's okay she is a teenage girl, you can't understand her."

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