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Ryan's P.O.V.
I run into Cas's open arms and tuck my head into his neck. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me as tightly as he can. " I looked everywhere for you." I said letting a few tears slide down my cheeks. " Well you didn't do a very good job, you technically couldn't. I was brought back to heaven and Gabriel pulled me back out." Cas said letting go and wiping my tears with his thumb, which causes me to smile. He puts his arm around my shoulders and we walk back out to where Gabriel was. Gabe saw us walking towards him and he stood up. " Cas, long time no see, well since the match made in heaven's back together, ill be on my way, see you around." he said then disappeared. Hopefully nobody saw that. I pick up my back and stuff the water bottle in then throw away everything else. While we were walking back, Anna and Megan came over again. " Who is this? Your pity boyfriend?" Megan says giggling like a maniac. " He is to cute for you." Anna says twirling her hair on her finger. I was about to say something but Cas interrupted. " I am in fact not her boyfriend for pity, but out of the fact that I love her. And I don't think there is anything wrong with that. So I think now you should leave Ryan alone." Cas said then turned me around and we walked away towards the back of the building. " Cas, that was sweet but you didn't need to stand up for me, I could've done it." I said moving his arm and taking his hand. " But it's my job to protect loved ones." He said staring at me with the blue eyes I fell in love with. " I think it is a good time to bring you home." Cas said snapping me back to reality. " Yeah, we should probably tell my brothers." I said then the next thing I knew, I was on our front porch.
" I think it would be better if you wait out here for a second."I looked at Cas and hesitated opening the door. " You can put your guns away it's me." I yell into the foyer. I hear two clicks and I laugh. " Why are you home, this isn't how school works." Sam said coming around from the corner. " Some girls were making fun of me but that's only part of it." I started before Dean came in and cut me off. " Girls were making fun of you? God, it seriously does run in the family." Dean said throwing his hands against the wall. " What happened?" Sam asked taking my bag. " Nothing it's fine, can I tell you what's important now?" I asked throwing my hands in the air. " Shoot." Sam said setting my bag on the stairs and then leaning on the staircase. I was about to turn to open the door but Cas zapped in instead. " Ta-Da!" I said while doing jazz hands at Cas. He attempted to copy what I was doing but failed. I smiled and laughed. Sam and Dean weren't saying anything and it scared me. " Ryan, go to your room." Dean said with anger in his voice. " But, Cas is-"
"Just go!" Dean yelled turning around and I could see tears in his eyes. I grabbed my bag and ran upstairs. I open my door and threw my bag at the bed. I propped a chair against the door since I didn't have a lock. I started pacing when I heard Dean yelling downstairs. I couldn't stand it anymore so I opened the window and jumped across to the tree. I climbed to the ground and ran.

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