A new angel in training

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Ryan's P.O.V.
I'm an angel now? " Have you told Sam and Dean yet?" I asked Cas, still bewildered. " Not yet, I thought we should do it together." He said taking my hand. " Will you still survive, beig human." I asked squeezing his hand. " I presume I will be fine." Cas says and we walk down to the kitchen where Dean is crying his way through research and Sam is flipping through a book. " Um, guys, I know I kinda just came back from the dead and all but Cas and I have some news." I said getting both their attention. " Oh god are you pregnant." Sam says with a protective voice. " No Sam don't worry, I'm still a virgin." I said laughing. " But the reason I came back was because of Cas, he gave me his grace so I could live again. So what I'm saying is that I'm an angel and Cas is a human." I said kinda quickly. Dean looks up at me and his eyes hold relief and sadness. " Cas, does this mean that it will be harder to hurt or...or kill her?" Dean asked. Cas nodded and I started to think about all the power I have now. Maybe I don't want it.

~Im so sorry it's short but more is coming :3 ~

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